BAB 34

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"Biostatistics is the branch of statistics responsible for the proper interpretation of scientific data generated in the biology, public health and other health sciences (i.e., the biomedical sciences). In these sciences, subjects (patients, mice, cells, etc.) exhibit considerable variation in their response to stimuli. This variation may be due to different treatments or it may be due to chance, measurement error, or other characteristics of the individual subjects. Biostatistics is particularly concerned with disentangling these different sources of variation. It seeks to distinguish between correlation and causation, and to make valid inferences from known samples about the populations from which they were drawn. (For example, do the results of treating patients with two therapies justify the conclusion that one treatment is better than the other?) Biostatisticians regularly engage in interdisciplinary collaborations and advance their discipline through pursuit of methodological development of statistical methods for biomedical applications. Biostatistics is a broad discipline encompassing the application of statistical theory to real-world problems, the practice of designing and conducting biomedical experiments and clinical trials (experiments with human subjects), the study of related computational algorithms and display of data, and the development of mathematical statistical theory. Biostatistics is integral to the advance of knowledge in biology, health policy, clinical medicine, public health policy, health economics, proteomics, genomics, and other disciplines. At Vanderbilt, biostatisticians facilitate biomedical research by providing methodological expertise and by closely collaborating with scientists and physician researchers"

Masuk sahaja kelas dia sudah mengantuk. Semenjak pengajiannya hendak sampai ke penghujungnya, dia semakin terbeban dengan pembelajaran yang semakin memberatkan.

"Biostatisticians are specialists in the evaluation of data as scientific evidence. They understand the generic construct of data and they provide the mathematical framework that transcends the scientific context to generalize the findings. Their expertise includes the design and conduct of experiments, the mode and manner in which data are collected, the analysis of data, and the interpretation of results. Meaningful generalization of experimental results requires the application of an appropriate mathematical framework for the scientific context. The validity of research results depends on this application and the reproducibility of the experimental methods. Biostatisticians use mathematics to enhance science and bridge the gap between theory and practice"

Selesai sahaja kelas, dia terus keluar.

"Jane, where are you?" Haifa menelefon Jane sebaik sahaja kuliahnya tamat. Esok, dia akan menghadap benda yang sama kerana pada mulanya itu semua adalah pengenalan sebelum dia meneruskan ke bahagian bab yang lain.

"at the cafe. Why?" jawab Jane sambil mengunyah makanan.

"I will go there, just wait for me" terus dimatikan panggilannya.

Tidak sampai 10 minit, dia sudah tiba di kafe sepertimana yang dikatakan oleh Jane. Dapat dilihat Jane sedang menikmati makanannya tanpa memandang ke arah orang lain. kerana dia juga tahu Jane jarang berkawan dengan orang. dia terlalu sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri.

"not you supposed to have class?" tanya Haifa sebaik sahaja dia melabuhkan punggungnya diatas kerusi.

Jane mengangkat wajahnya.

"classes canceled" beritahunya. Pendek.

Haifa mengangguk.

"Jane, coursework and research is easy or difficult?" tanya Haifa.

Jane memandang wajah Haifa. Wanita dihadapannya ini sentiasa dengan tudungnya walaupun mereka berada dirumah tetapi dia sangat menghormati wanita ini kerana pegangan agama yang kukuh tidak kira dimana pun.

"coursework quite easy as saving time, fast treck to become lecturer and not much to spend money there. While, research is quite difficult due to spend time and energy even though there is an allowance given to research, no longer have to attend class if you want to conduct an investigation regardless of time and have advantage to change to a PhD" jawabnya.

Haifa mengangguk-angguk tanda faham. Tetapi dia memperoleh kedua-duanya jadi tidak mungkin dia boleh mengelak dan memilih hanya salah satu.

"when you have to do coursework and research?" tanya Haifa.

"next week" jawabnya. Pendek.

Haifa mengangguk.

"this is recommended format for a Research Protocol" bermulalah tugasnya untuk melakukan coursework dan research.

"Like the abstract of a research paper, the project summary, should be no more than 300 words and at the most a page long (font size 12, single spacing). Provided preferably on a separate page, it should summarize all the central elements of the protocol, for example the rationale, objectives, methods, populations, time frame, and expected outcomes. It should stand on its own, and not refer the reader to points in the project description"

Nafasnya ditarik sedalam yang boleh.

General information

· Protocol title, protocol identifying number (if any), and date.

· Name and address of the sponsor/funder.

· Name and title of the investigator(s) who is (are) responsible for conducting the research, and the address and telephone number(s) of the research site(s), including responsibilities of each.

· Name(s) and address(es) of the clinical laboratory(ies) and other medical and/or technical department(s) and/or institutions involved in the research

Rationale & background information

The Rationale specifies the reasons for conducting the research in light of current knowledge. It should include a well documented statement of the need/problem that is the basis of the project, the cause of this problem and its possible solutions. It is the equivalent to the introduction in a research paper and it puts the proposal in context. It should answer the question of why and what: why the research needs to be done and what will be its relevance. The magnitude, frequency, affected geographical areas, ethnic and gender considerations, etc of the problem should be followed by a brief description of the most relevant studies published on the subject.

References (of literature cited in preceding sections)

References can also be listed at the end of Part 1.

Study goals and objectives

Goals are broad statements of what the proposal hopes to accomplish. They create a setting for the proposal. Specific objectives are statements of the research question(s). Objectives should be simple (not complex), specific (not vague), and stated in advance (not after the research is done). After statement of the primary objective, secondary objectives may be mentioned.

Study Design

The scientific integrity of the study and the credibility of the study data depend substantially on the study design and methodology. The design of the study should include information on the type of study, the research population or the sampling frame, and who can take part (e.g. inclusion and exclusion criteria, withdrawal criteria etc.), and the expected duration of the study

(The same study can be described in several ways, andas complete a description of the study as possible should be provided. Forexample, a study may be described as being a basic science research, epidemiologicor social science research, it may also be described as observational orinterventional; if observational, it may be either descriptive or analytic, ifanalytic it could either be cross-sectional or longitudinal etc. Ifexperimental, it may be described as a controlled or a non controlled study.The link below provides more information on how to describe a research study    

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