A Host's Answers

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   Entering the dining hall, you gazed upon a long dining table that seated thirty six. A simple white cotton table cloth lay on top while multiple silver goblets were placed in front of each seat. Elaborate silver candle holders ran down the center of the table, but were currently void of candles. Instead the room was lighted by three crystal chandeliers, which were attached to a teal colored ceiling and hung above the table. Dark brown wooden chairs with light brown diamond patterned cushions surrounded the table. All of this furniture sat on top of a dark brown floral patterned rug. Golden walls enclosed the room while paned elegant windows let in outside light. However, due to the storm and the day turning into night, minimal light came in from the huge windows. Thick dark brown drapes hung at the sides of the windows.

Lucian walked to the opposite side of the table, his black boots making barely any sound against the carpeted floor. Though, he soon stopped and turned back to you. He signaled you to follow him. Knowing that you didn't really have a choice, you trailed behind him until the two of you reached the other side of the table. Before you could sit down, he pulled out your chair for you.

"Umm, thank you," you said, surprised by his action.

He merely smiled at you before taking his own seat. However, now that you were seated you found it odd that there was no food on the table, since Lucian stated that dinner was getting cold. You stared at the space in front of you until you were distracted by Lucian clapping his hands together. In that instant a silver plate with shrimp scampi on top appeared in front of you. It was accompanied by a small salad and a glass of ice water. There was a similar setting in front of Lucian except for the fact that he had a glass of champagne rather than water.

"So my pet, I'm sure you have some questions for me," he stated before sipping at his champagne.

"Yes, I want to know what you meant by you own me."

"Well to put it simply, your parents made a deal with me. They needed my help, but of course I had a price. That price happened to be you."

Just about to bite into your food, you stopped, shocked at his words. He essentially just said that your parents sold you. They wouldn't do that would they? No, they wouldn't. Your parents were always kind to you. However, these past few weeks they had been acting strange. Several times you would find your mother crying, stating that she didn't want you to go. Initially, you thought she was just upset about you moving out of the house for college, but could she have been crying over the deal she made with the man that sat right next to you. Furthermore, your father kept buying you presents, or asking if you would like to go out somewhere. Again, you thought this was related to college, but that theory was quickly crashing around you.

"Why would my parents make a deal with you? What did they need assistance in?" you questioned, your voice slightly shaky.

"Well my pet, I'm sure you remember that year that you fell fatally ill. I believe you were fifteen at the time."

"Wait, you're saying that you're the cause for my health recovering."

"Indeed, your parents asked me to cure you, in return you would become mine at the age of eighteen."

"That's impossible. All the doctors that visited me said my condition was untreatable. How could you have cured me and how did my parents even know you?"

At this he smiled, before saying, "Why magic of course."

You almost choked on the shrimp that you had just placed in your mouth.

"Magic? Now you're just messing with me."

However, Lucian did not answer. He only sighed before he tapped his left index finger against the table. Not a second later, all the empty goblets and candle holders flew up into the air. They hovered above the table, seeming to dance around each other. Soon they all fell back onto the table perfectly. Your mouth hung open slightly, as you blinked a couple times, trying to take in what you just saw. You couldn't deny what you just witnessed. In fact magic would explain why there were life size dolls walking around the mansion.

"Well, do you believe me now?"

"Yeah, I guess I do. However, I'm still confused as to why my parents knew you. Furthermore, what on earth do you want me for?"

"I knew you're parents because your father was my teacher. Your father was the one who taught me how to use magic."

"That doesn't make any sense. My father doesn't have magic. Besides even if he did, why wouldn't he have been the one to heal me?"

"When he married your mother, he forfeited all of his magic. A shame really, since he had such talent, but his mistake created you, my pet. You see in the world of sorcerers and sorceresses if you marry a human; you're considered to be abandoning the magic world. In fact it's an insult to your relatives if you marry a human. Thus the said sorcerer or sorceress is stripped of their magic. Due to this he couldn't heal you when you became fatally ill. Thus he came to me, since he hated his family and knew that I would help him instead."

"If that's the case why have you brought me here? I have no magic capabilities."

Lucian seemed to chuckle at this before he raised his glass slightly.

"Quite the contrary my pet. Somehow you inherited magic capabilities from your father despite the fact that he had his magic stripped from him. You're a rarity in the magic community. Thus when your father asked me to heal you, I saw the perfect opportunity to claim you as mine. You see, since your mother is human and your father is an exiled wizard, you're not a full fledged sorceress. However, you inherited the ability to not age. Once a sorcerer or sorceress turns eighteen, they no longer age. Moreover, you can see through and are immune to certain magical barriers. This is why you could see my mansion, but your friends couldn't. Furthermore, this ability of yours is extremely useful. You'll be able to enter areas where others cannot; you'll be able to go places where even I cannot trespass."

You stared at your food silently, taking in all the information. Some part of you wanted to curse your parents for making such an offer. The last thing you wanted was to be this man's tool for his own personal gain. However, you couldn't blame them. They had put your life first and did everything they could to prevent your death. Taking a sip of your water, you glanced over at Lucian, who was smiling at you.

"So you basically want to use me, so you can enter areas in the magical world that you weren't able to explore before."


"Great. However even if my parents made a deal with you, I never made such a deal with you personally, so how can you say that you own me? Is there some contract that I'm unaware of?"

"Ah, yes I forgot to tell you. Your parents had you sign while you were in one of your daze like states. Of course you have no memory of signing, but you still did sign. The contract stating that you agreed to become mine."

"What! You took advantage of my weak state and made me sign some deal with you involuntarily."

"Your parents allowed it might I remind you. You only had short amount of time left. There was no time for debate over the subject. Aren't you happy that your alive?"

"I was, but now I'm not so sure."

"If you're so ungrateful for my help, I can always move your bedroom to the basement. I must say the creatures down there would love to nibble on your skin."

Your (e/c) eyes widened, as you hesitantly bit into a part of your salad. Swallowing the food, you glanced back up at him to see if he was serious. He only wore a sickening smile that screamed that he was serious.

Biting back your pride, you reluctantly said, "I'm sorry for what I said. Thank you for saving my life."

His purple eyes gleamed in triumph before he nodded his head in response. Personally, you wanted to hit him across the face, but that wouldn't get you anywhere. Though another curiosity popped into your head.

"Lucian, what about my friends? Won't they try to find me, or rather contact someone about my absence?"

"Ah, I forgot to mention that I erased the memories of you from everyone whoever knew you. Also all physical records of you like documents, pictures, etc. have been eradicated as well. Thus in the eyes of the humans, you never existed."

"That can't be. So your saying my family and friends don't even know who I am anymore?" you asked, as you could feel frustration and sadness fill your being.

"Yes, I know it's harsh, but this way there is no trouble for me down the road. Besides don't you think this is better. Surely at some point the people around you would notice that you stopped aging. Would you really want to watch everyone you love die around you while you remained youthful?"

"Then can't I do what my father did?"

"You could, but don't forget that your mine. Thus I would never allow you to do such a thing. Furthermore, even I didn't own you, the Mage's Council would never let you abandon your abilities; you're too much of a rarity. Just think of this as saving your parents and friends from many years of grief. "

"So there's no chance of them remembering me?"

"No, there isn't. Again, please just know how much pain you're saving your loved ones from."

"I guess I can see your point, but you could've at least let me say goodbye to them."

"Wouldn't that have only made things harder?"

You couldn't argue with that. Of course it would've have made everything more difficult for you. Feeling drained from the conversation, you took the last bites of your meal. Finishing your meal, you set down your fork and started to get out of your chair. However, the doors to the dining room burst open, revealing a stunning woman, who seemed to be fuming with anger. Her long golden curls reached her mid-back while her dark pink eyes shone under the light of the chandeliers. Locking her gaze with Lucian's, she marched down the dining hall with her long dark pink dress flowing around her.

"Ah, Lady Luciel what gives me the pleasure of seeing you."

"You know very well the reason Lucian and don't call me by my last name. You know I prefer you to call me Rayna."

"Of course, but please forgive me, as I do not know which reason you're referring to."

"You dare forget the reason. Fine, I shall aid you in your forgetfulness. You left me sitting at my family's table unaccompanied. You said you would return, yet you never did. I was utterly humiliated."

"I left because my business with your family was finished. I saw no further reason to stay and I never told you that I would return. You must be creating made up fantasies again."

While Lucian talked with the woman Rayna, you sat awkwardly in your chair, trying to go unnoticed. You obviously could tell that this woman was of the same status as Lucian due to the clothes she wore and the way she carried herself. Wanting nothing to do with this conversation, you quietly got out of your seat, prepared to exit the dining hall. However, this was a mistake, since your movement caused Rayna to notice you. Her eyes flared up in anger, as she glanced between Lucian and you.

"You left me in disgrace, so you could have dinner with this child," she shouted.

Before you could prepare yourself, the woman held her arm out and you instantly felt a force slamming against you. All you could feel was pain shooting up through your body, as you back hit the golden wall behind you. You ended up sliding down the wall, coughing up blood along the way. Trying to recover yourself, you noticed an ominous presence fill the room. Looking up slightly, you saw Lucian looking furious. With no hesitation, he grabbed Rayna's throat and started to suffocate her. She gasped in surprise and begged Lucian to let her go.

"You foolish woman! If you ever injure her again, I will make you suffer before I kill you myself. Have you forgotten that you're in my home? Do you dare disrespect me by messing with what's rightfully mine."

She shook her head to the best of her ability. Scoffing at her, he threw her onto the ground, looking down on her like she was nothing more than a piece of garbage. Rayna recovered her breath before picking herself back up.

"I expect you to leave immediately, Lady Luciel."

There was a look of pure fear in her eyes before she darted out of the room. You could hear the entrance door to the mansion open and close. Before you could get up, you saw a hand extend out to you. Deciding that you needed help, since the pain in your body would not go away, you grabbed Lucian's hand. He hoisted you up and pulled you into his chest. His left arm wrapped itself around your waist while his right hand stroked your (h/c) hair.

"Are you alright my pet?"

"Yeah, but you can let me go now."

His grip on you loosened a bit before he picked you up and set you on the dining table. You were confused by his action. However, you were even more puzzled when he rested his forehead against your own. Your cheeks turned a light pink due to the closeness of his face. He mumbled some undecipherable words and instantly you felt a soothing sensation run throughout your body. The pain lifted, as Lucian pulled away from you.


"I am. Thank you."

"Good. Well then for now we shall restore your room back to its original state. Tomorrow I shall discuss with you the plans that I have been formulating for awhile now."

With that, Lucian guided you back out of the dining room, as the dishes disappeared into thin air and the lights on the chandeliers died down.  

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now