A Butterfly's Past

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

After Lucian arranged the parts together for the next doll, he asked you to pick out the clothes and the hair. Finding a similar dress to the last one just in pale blue and a curly bleach blonde wig, you handed them to Lucian. Next he asked you what eye color. Replying with orange, he placed the eyes in the sockets and proceeded with the procedure. When he finished, the same communication between the doll and him took place just like with the last one. Motioning you to follow him, the two of you left the room before Lucian locked the door behind the two of you.

The two dolls stood before Lucian and you, waiting for their orders. Lucian stated for them to find Nafera, who would be able to show them the tasks that they would need to carry out. He gave them the directions to where she would be, since he placed trackers on all of his dolls. This being said, he placed his right middle and index fingers on the left side of the dolls' necks one at a time. Muttering a quiet phrase, a small symbol in the shape of an eye appeared on each of their necks. They then walked out of the potions room to find Nafera.

Now that two dolls were gone, Lucian turned his gaze to you, stating, "If you don't mind, I will be going back to sleep for awhile."

You merely nodded and watched as he left the room, as Pastel waved goodbye to him and wished him a pleasant sleep. This worked to your benefit, since you wanted to talk to Nafera. She would probably be busy instructing the new dolls, but hopefully that didn't take too long.

Walking over to Pastel, you asked him, "Pastel do you know how long it will take for Nafera to instruct the new dolls?"

"Umm, Miss ____ ,who is Nafera?"

At first you were rather puzzled as to why Pastel asked you such a question, but then you remembered that you never told him that you named the doll.

"She's the doll with short brown hair and grey eyes."

"Oh, I didn't know you named one of the dolls, Miss _____. Well no matter, as to your question I have no idea. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful."

"It's fine. I'll just go find her and wait until she's finished instructing the dolls."

Waving goodbye to Pastel, you left the potions room and began to search for Nafera. You knew that she would be busy, but you were curious if you could somehow trigger some memories from her past. After an hour of searching the mansion, you found yourself back in the foyer. Sighing, you just ended up sitting in the middle of the floor, thinking of where she could possibly be. Several of the doors in the mansion were locked, meaning that she couldn't be inside. Besides you listened to see if any voices came from the other side of the room just to make sure, but you heard nothing. Why did she have to be so hard to find?

As if to fulfill your desire to find her, you heard footsteps coming from your right side. Casting your (e/c) gaze in that direction, you saw Nafera approaching you. Her grey eyes widened slightly at seeing you sitting on the floor. Looking around her, you saw that the other two dolls weren't with her.

"Miss ____, why are you sitting on the ground? I'm sure you could find somewhere else to sit that would be comfortable."

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