The Dead Awaken

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  A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it's short. 

Before you had time to ask him who it was, he angrily pounded his right hand against the bookshelf, sending a multitude of books to the ground. He repeated this action while accidentally sending a burst of flame at the fallen books, lighting them on fire. Now greatly worried, you shouted at Lucian to quickly put out the fire. He glanced at you for a moment before looking back at the books and seeing what he had done. Quickly he extinguished the flames before pacing back and forth in room, appearing as though he was about to rip out his hair.

Glancing at him from over the back of the couch, you asked, "Lucian who is it?".

As soon as those words left your mouth, you wished that you had never spoken. He cast a terrifying look your way while halting his pacing. Looking the other way, you decided to just remain silent. Lucian ended up collapsing to the floor with his hands hanging at his side.

"He can't be alive, he should be dead," he muttered in a still angered shaky voice.

Seeing his unstable state, you didn't know what to do. To your surprise, you found yourself walking over to him and kneeling down in front of him. You wanted to know who the green-eyed individual was and you also were worried that Lucian had finally lost it due to the far off look that was in his eyes. Furthermore, he kept muttering the same phrase over and over. Usually, he would come back to his senses after a minute or so, but no such thing was happening.

Hesitantly, you called out his name again. This caused him to jolt his head up and stare into your (e/c) orbs. Without any further hesitation, he gripped your shoulders and pinned you to the ground. His eyes still had that far off look to them and his hair hung loosely around his face.

"Tell me why he isn't dead! Tell me!" he shouted in your face, as though you were the cause of this individual still being alive.

Slightly scared by his outburst, you replied, "I don't know Lucian, but please let me go."

He was gripping you rather hard and it hurt, and his behavior was reaching a whole new level of instability, though his grip began to loosen. His eyes began to return to normal before he turned his gaze away from you.

"Forgive me, my pet," he merely whispered before getting off of you.

Leaning against the back of the couch, Lucian ran his fingers through his hair. Getting up, you went over to Lucian and leaned against the back of the couch as well, though you kept a reasonable distance away in case he had another fit of rage. Looking over at you, he sighed before apologizing again. Seeing that he was back in a reasonable state of mind, you asked your previous question once again.

"I'm sorry for earlier; I just thought that he was dead. The only way for him to be alive is if he made a bargain with the council."

"But who is 'he'?"

"The individual with the pale green eyes is my cousin Rezin, who I thought dead. For all this time, I thought the council had killed him, but obviously that is not the case."

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now