Rolled Parchment

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  A/N: I would recommend to put the video on loop. 

As usual his expression remained neutral. Another moment passed before his eyes widened in slight disbelief. He looked shocked, as though you had grown a pair of wings on your back and could now fly across the oceans of the world. This expression remained on his face until his purple orbs softened. Moving over to you, he rested his fingers lightly over your left cheek. A blush formed on your face while you glanced to the side.

"Thank you, my pet. You have no idea how much those words mean to me."

"You're welcome, though don't exaggerate the situation," you stated, pulling away from him slightly.

He smirked before linking arms with you and opening the portal. Not too long after, the two of you were back in the mansion. You were standing in the foyer while it rained softly outside. The candle light coming from the candelabras on the statues cast a faint glow in the room. Before either of you could move another step, Nafera walked down the steps, holding something in her hands. It appeared to be a rolled piece of parchment. Lucian unhooked his left arm from your right one and went up to her, accepting the piece of parchment. Secured by a thick black ribbon and a black wax seal, small letters were written on the outside of it. Going up to Lucian, you watched as he unsealed the note. Seeing that her brief job was over, Nafera walked back up the stairs and disappeared down the hall. Once the scroll was unrolled, you began to read the message imprinted on the piece of parchment.

Dear Lord Veneice,

In a week's time the annual Venefici Ballatio will be held. As is custom, every council member must attend the event. You are welcome to bring a partner of your choice. Attire will consist of the usual wear required for the occasion. Thus do not make the mistake of forgetting a mask.

Highest Council Member Regulus Fingold

You assumed that it was an invitation to a masquerade due to the mention of the word mask and the fact that ballatio looked like an extended form of the word ball. Furthermore, you realized that this was the first mention of Lucian's last name. It seemed strange learning it, for you forgot the fact that Lucian did have a last name. Rolling the scroll up, Lucian sighed and glanced down at you.

"Well my pet, it would seem that we have an event to attend. Tell me, do you know how to dance?"


Personally, you wouldn't call throwing your hands up in the air to music dancing. Moreover, when you tried to practice formal dancing, you were always told to be patient and pay attention to the dance steps. You found yourself always wanting to lead and thus ended up messing up the dance. Thus you sighed and shook your head, realizing that you would probably have to dance at this event. Frankly, you were hoping that you could just stand to the side and enjoy the food table, thinking about all the gourmet food that would be at the event.

"Hmm, that works in my favor then. I look forward to teaching you, my pet."

Merely nodding in reply, you saw him set the letter on the statue before turning back to you.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now