Sanguine, my master

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The air chilled every bone in your body, as it penetrated your skin. A cold breeze did nothing to aid you in the matter. Snowflakes blew past your form, some getting caught in your (h/c) hair before melting slowly. You hugged the dark blue jacket that rested on your shoulders while your bare feet began to freeze in the snow that lay at your feet. Up ahead you could see a metal door. It was opened slightly, permitting you to see the darkness that waited behind the door. However, despite the ominous presence that surrounded the door, it led to a place warmer than the one you were in. Your freezing body needed that warmth and so you walked towards it, your feet leaving footprints in the snow below.

Leaving the wasteland of winter behind, you ventured into the darkness behind the door, hearing the door slam shut behind you. Though, once you stood in the darkness an ominous red light filled the space. Before you was a long hallway, its walls covered in long sheets of glass. Each wall mirrored the other, causing infinite reflections to occur. You couldn't see too far down the hallway, which worried you slightly. However, there was no turning back; you had crossed the point of no return.

Your thawing feet, walked on down the stone path, but as you walked on your feet sank into a strange substance. It felt sticky and smelled of iron. Hesitantly you looked down and recognized the liquid that flowed around your ankles. Blood in abundance hugged your ankles, threatening to consume more of your legs. A sickness washed over you, as the urge to run forward took over you. Thus you darted down the hallway, trying to not fall into the blood now resting on the floor. To your utter horror, blood started to run down the mirrored walls, sending cascades of the life giving substance down into the already large pool.

Turning your attention away from the bloody walls, you continued on your pursuit forwards, seeing something in the distance. A form stood still up ahead while the darkness made their characteristics indistinguishable. Something told you to turn back, but where would you go? You had no choice, but to go towards them. Upon reaching their position, the silhouette turned around slowly, facing you in the process. Large brown eyes gazed down at you while a knife glinted in the eerie red light. Fear took over you, causing you to step back in panic.

Wanting to run back the way you came, you slipped on the bloody floor, falling into the pool of blood. Becoming drenched in the liquid, you stared up wide eyed at the figure. Their face remained emotionless, as they neared you. Your eyes searched for a way to escape, but instead your attention landed on the reflecting walls. Shadowy figures stared at you, their faceless heads staring at you with no pity or remorse. Looking back in front of you, you saw the figure now standing over you. With no hesitation, they brought the blade down. You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact...

Bolting upright, your (e/c) eyes shot open, as fear seized your form. You found yourself back in your room at Lucian's mansion. The greyish-teal sheets rested on your form loosely, as you rested your forehead against the palm of your right hand. That dream had terrified you and you could feel the sweat on your brow. Trying to compose yourself, you glanced around your room, figuring that Lucian had brought you here after he had caused you to fall asleep. Seeing no one in the room around you, you got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. A warm shower would do you good. Though, first you went into the closet and grabbed a simple v-neck crème colored dress, which had long lace sleeves and stopped right above your knees. After attaining some new undergarments as well and pair of creme colored slippers, you headed into the bathroom.

Finishing your relaxing shower and getting dressed, you went back into your room only to find the brown-haired doll standing there. Her grey eyes locked their gaze on you, as she approached you. She signaled you to follow her and you did so with no protest. The last thing you wanted was to be dragged again. You knew that the dolls would follow Lucian's orders and found it best not to resist them.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now