An Ocean of Light and Blue

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Reaching the edge of the land and standing before the water, you gazed out over its surface and wondered what you were supposed to do. You couldn't walk and you couldn't breathe underwater either, meaning that some spell had to be in place. There was the possibility that you would just have to swim until you came across the mask piece, but for some reason you thought that very unlikely. Crossing your arms over your chest, you sighed, trying to figure out what you were supposed to do. Suddenly, you were pushed out of your thoughts, as you felt something slam into your back, pushing you forward slightly. Almost falling, you glanced behind you and saw the tumbleroll looking up at you expectantly. It nodded a few times, signaling you to go forward. Somehow it managed to grasp the situation as well as knowing that you could go past the barrier. This didn't make much sense to you and so you turned your gaze towards Lucian to see what his reaction would be.

As if understanding your confusion, he responded, "Tumblerolls can determine whether one harbors magic or not, so it knows that your only a half-sorceress."

Nodding in response, you breathed in and out, calming yourself before you walked forward. As soon as you passed the barrier, Lucian lost sight of you, as you seemed to disappear into thin air. Combing his left fingers through his hair, he looked down at the tumbleroll, who jumped up and down in place, as its gaze remained on where you just disappeared. Soon though, he heard movement in the bushes behind him. Quickly, he cast his gaze in that direction and his eyes narrowed considerably. With a considerable grin on his face, Rezin's pale green eyes gleamed in delight at his cousin. Standing his ground, Lucian signaled for the tumbleroll to go off into the bushes, so it wouldn't get caught up in the oncoming fight. Seeing the danger, the tumbleroll jumped up and down before going off into the bushes. After it left, Lucian glared at his cousin, getting ready to attack at a moment's notice and summoning a spear of ice.

"Oh Lucian, do you plan to attack me with such quick notice and not even ask how I have been fairing in the past hours? How rude."

Not waiting a second later, Lucian threw the spear and quickly threw another, causing his cousin to dodge both attacks. Chuckling at Lucian's attacks, he shook his head in disapproval.

"So impatient cousin, why not enjoy a pleasant talk with me. I'm still amazed that you managed to keep the hybrid at your side. Did you promise not to kill her? Did you tell her that you would share the power of the mask with her? Have you really grown that soft ..."

An ice spear barely missed Rezin's head and another almost struck his shoulder, as Lucian ignored his cousin's words only wishing for him to vanish.

"Are you really going to let her take what you have been desiring for your whole life? I thought I had fueled your rage to the point of no return, I thought when I had killed your sister that your rage would be eternal, so much so that you would kill anyone to have the mask pieces for yourself. It would appear that I was wrong, how disappointing," he said while shrugging with his characteristic grin plastered onto his face.

It was Lucian's turn to smirk, as his eyes were glazed with hatred, "Do you really think you could play me into being one of your puppets Rezin? Why would I stoop to your level and desire power so much that I would kill someone important to me? Killing your family members has filtered your soul into one that bears nothing but rotten and dead ambitions. Joining the council to spare your life and becoming their doll, how pathetic and cowardly; you're a disgrace to the Veneice name."

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