Dance of the Strings

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   "Wow, it really is here. So you're not crazy, _____," Annalisa stated while staring in awe at the grey structure.

"Gee, thanks. Anyway now that I have proved my point I suggest we leave. It looks someone is home."

"______, do you really expect us to just leave after we've seen a mansion appear out of thin air?"

"Yes, actually. Wait, Hannah don't tell me you want to go inside. Do you not see the lights on inside?"

"I see them, but I still want to go inside."

"I agree, let's see what mysteries this place holds."

Annalisa had excitement in her eyes, as they seemed to sparkle. Hannah kept a calm composure, but you could tell that she was bubbling with curiosity. Personally, you wanted to get back to the school parking lot and get frozen yogurt. You had showed your friends the mansion. Thus you had accomplished the task you came to do and saw no reason to go inside the mansion. An ominous presence hung around it and you wanted nothing more to do with the building.

"I don't think it's a good idea. We can't just barge into someone's home. I've showed you the mansion, so let's go."

"We're not barging in if we knock silly. Now come on."

Before you could protest, Annalisa ran off towards the mansion's main doors. Small water droplets went through the air, as her feet collided with the walkway. Hannah started to walk down the path, leaving you to stand at the gates. You wanted to leave, but you couldn't leave your two friends behind. Who knew what was waiting inside the mansion? Sighing, you decided to wait by the gates, so you could remain a good distance away from the mansion, but also keep a good eye on your friends. Annalisa's right hand went up to the door, ready to knock on its surface. However, the door opened before her hand could make contact with it. She jumped back a little before glancing over at Hannah and you.

Jumping up and down in excitement, she signaled you two to join her. Hannah eagerly went up to Annalisa and peered into the mansion. However, you stood your ground and shook your head. Instead of going towards your friends, you signaled them to come back to gates. Couldn't they see that a door opening on its own was a bad sign? Your friends evidently didn't think so, as they ignored your signal and went into the building.

Cursing, you ran down the path in order to catch up to them. They heard your footsteps and waited for you to join them. You knew this was a bad idea, but your friends seemed determined to enter the building.

"Do you guys really have to go in there?"

"Stop being so scared ______."

"I'm just being smart Annalisa," you stated despite the fact that you were fearful of what laid inside the mansion.

"_____, we'll just walk around a little bit and then leave. Though, if you're against even that you can always wait outside."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not going to wait outside and worry about your safety."

"Then let's get going already," exclaimed Annalisa.

Your two friends bounded off into the building. You shook your head before you cautiously walked inside yourself. Entering the building, you could see that the light source was coming from various candles throughout the foyer of the mansion. Rain continued on outside and echoed into the halls of the mansion, giving it an even more ominous presence. The candles illuminated the foyer, highlighting its hues of grey, dark blue, black and light blue. Black drapes hung next to dark grey doors that were covered in shadows. A stone statue of a woman held a candelabra in her hand, as her carved out dress flowed around her figure. Four stone statues of cherubs held onto more candelabras while a chandelier hung overhead. Stone steps with intricate railings led up to the second story. Many grey doors and passageways could be seen on the higher floor. A skylight allowed more light to shine on the polished tiled floor that lay below its glassy structure. Next to you was a polished wooden coat hanger. Hannah and Annalisa hung up their rain coats on the piece of furniture. Reluctantly, you did so as well. Droplets of water dripped onto the tiled floor.

As the sound of dripping water echoed through the halls, your feeling of unease only grew in intensity. Hannah had walked over to the statue of the woman and examined it in wonder. Annalisa ran over to the steps and began to walk up them.

"Okay we've now seen the inside. Let's go," you whispered, as your eyes glanced around the foyer.

"But I want to explore the upper level."

"Yes, this place has fascinating artwork. I want to see more of it."

"Hannah you told me you would only look around a little bit and we have, so now let's leave."

"Well plans change."

Shocked, you watched as she went up the stairs with Annalisa. They disappeared down the dark hallway on the second floor, leaving you alone. At this point you were getting frustrated with your two friends. Why were they behaving this way? Resting, your hands on your hips, you glanced back outside. For a quick second, you saw a shadowy form pass by the door. Fear took over you, as you decided it might be time to go after your friends. You found your feet walking over to the stairs quickly before you ascended the steps. Your hand glided over the railing, as you went upwards.

Now on the second story of the mansion, you swear you could feel eyes watching you from somewhere. Quickly, you looked around you, but saw nothing. Worried, you headed down the hallway. This place was getting worse by the second. You walked past several doors, looking for your two friends. Suddenly you felt a hand grip your shoulder. Jumping into the air, you turned around to see who it was. To your relief it was only Annalisa.

"Don't be so paranoid, ____," she said, laughing at your reaction.

"It's perfectly fine to be worried in a place like this, so please don't surprise me again. Anyway where is Hannah?"

"Okay, I'll try not to scare you. To answer your second question, Hannah said she wanted to see more of the mansion's artwork. All I know is she continued down this hallway. Though, I really want to show you this cool room. It's loaded with various types of candies. I tried some and they were delicious. Come on, I'll show you."

"Wait, you found candy and you ate it?" you questioned, as you had a mental sweat-drop.

"Stop worrying, now come on."

Just as she was about to grab your hand, a scream resonated throughout the halls. The two of you turned your heads in the direction of the scream. That sounded like Hannah and you instantly became worried. Cursing, you ran down the hallway. Annalisa followed you, as worry grew in her eyes. Your feet pounded against the grey-blue rug on the tiled hallway. Reaching the end of the hallway, you stopped in front of two large grey doors. Walking up to the doors, you rested your hands on the silver door handles. Pushing, you opened the doors, revealing a rather large ballroom. The polished tiled floor shined under the light of a magnificent grey chandelier, which had blue crystals hanging from it. Huge paned windows gave view to the storm outside. A grey stone balcony lay beyond the windows. Stone statues outlined the perimeter of the room, each holding a crystal candelabrum. Grey flames flickered on top of each candle. Though, what worried you was the body that lay in the middle of the room.

Hannah lay on her side and looked unconscious. Your feet carried you over to her before you knelt on the floor and tried shaking her awake. She remained unconscious, as the doors to the room slammed shut. Looking behind you, you saw that Annalisa was now missing. Worry washed over you, as you looked back at Hannah. However, she was now gone as well. Muttering curses to yourself, you stood up and glanced around the room. All the flames on the candles had gone out. Furthermore, even the candles on the chandelier went out, casting the room in an eerie light. Lightning struck outside, bringing a flood of light to the room for only a few moments. In those few moments you saw a figure leaning against one of the statues in the room. Though, you couldn't make out any details.

Scared, you moved your feet slowly over to the doors that led to the ballroom. Lighting struck again, illuminating two more figures in the room. However, you recognized these figures as your friends. Both had their eyes closed, yet their bodies moved. They twirled around the room, as if dancing to a silent ballet tune. Instead of being fascinated by this, you only became greatly disturbed. Never had your friends taken any dance classes, yet they were now dancing like professionals. You could still feel the presence of the other figure in the room. Words couldn't find their way to your mouth, as you stood frozen in place. Annalisa twirled her way over to you before lifting you up into the air.

Startled, you tried to get out of her grip. However, she soon granted your wish and set you back on the floor. Though, Hannah now picked you up, lifting you over her head, as she danced to the silent ballet music. When she set you down, you could hear footsteps in the shadows of the room. Your friends fell to the floor like puppets that just had their strings cut. A scream almost left your lips before a hand covered your mouth. Terrified, you tried to look behind you, but the person held you in place.

"I'm so glad you decided to come here on your own my pet. Now that the show is done, I think you need your rest," whispered a voice into your ear.

Darkness consumed you, as the last thing you saw were purple eyes staring possessively at you.  

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now