Shadow of the Weak

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A/N: Due to the song's length, I would recommend putting on loop. 

  Dirt filled your vision, as Lucian kept his foot on your back. You wanted scream and kick, but all of your limbs ached in pain from being thrown to the hard ground. Thus all you could do was grab at the dirt, searching for something, anything to help. Though, all the ground had to offer you was a dust filled with hopelessness. Lucian, using his foot, turned you over onto your back, so that you could face him. His purple eyes seemed to laugh at you and your pathetic condition. A mocking grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, as the light in his hands illuminated his haunting expression. He lowered himself a little, which increased the pressure that he was putting on his right foot, which was rested on your midsection. Feeling as though your insides were being crushed, you glared up at him, but he could easily see the dominating fear in your (e/c) orbs.

"My pet, leaving my side again, how disrespectful," he stated, shaking his head in way that made you feel like a child being scolded.

Before you knew what was happening, you saw that he had his right index finger on the left side of your neck. Without any hesitation, he drew it down your neck and collarbone, which caused a loud scream to be emitted from your lips. He was burning your skin slowly and you could feel the burn marks on your skin forming. Tears threatened to stream down your face, as he then did the same on the other side of your neck. As you were pressed to the floor, crying out in agony, you saw the shadow figure from before sitting upon the stairs, watching the scene with glee. You wanted nothing more than to pierce the heart of that creature even if it didn't have such an organ within it.

Spotting the creature, you began to wonder why it was not killing you itself? Did it really take such joy in seeing Lucian hurting you? Did it commit such acts with the other sorcerers and sorceresses that entered or came near the sanatorium? Furthermore, why did it never actually come near you? It always seemed to stay a good amount distance away from you. Wait, could it not come near you, could it not come near a human or a part human in your case?

Though, before you could think anymore on the matter, you felt the same burning pain now applied to your wrists. Focusing back on Lucian, you saw he was now on top of you pinning you to the ground. His face mere inches from yours, you found yourself trying to sink back further into the dirt floor, but such an attempt was pointless. Amused by your behavior, he burnt your wrists more, sending another wave of pain through you. Tears began to roll down your face, as Lucian smiled in delight.

"You're so beautiful when crying, my pet. Maybe I should preserve your tears after I kill you," he whispered, his eyes resembling nothing of his former self.

The look in his eyes told you that the only way to bring Lucian back to his senses was to kill the grinning monster that sat on the stairs. Managing to conjure up enough strength in your legs, you shifted just enough, so that you could knee Lucian in the place that hurt. This caused him to let go of you, permitting you enough room to crawl out from under him. With only the monster now in mind, you darted for it. Though, your legs seemed to move incredibly slow from the aching pain in them. However, your heart raced at a quickening speed, as you knew this was the only opportunity to reach for the monster.

Seeing you coming near it, the monster started to retreat into the darkness. However, you wouldn't let it escape, not with Lucian starting to recover behind you. Thus you lunged forward and managed to grab the monster's leg. At first nothing happened, but soon a piercing scream filled the stairwell. From where you were at, you could see blood erupting from the monster's leg. You were right; the monster could only harm sorcerers or sorceresses. With the monster in pain, you gripped its other leg with your hand. Its scream intensified, making you want to cover your ears, but you had to kill it.

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