I Find Your Efforts Useless

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  Knowing that he wasn't going to release his grip on you, you tensed, trying to think of way to get out of his hold. He started to kiss the left side of your neck softly, sending shivers up your spine. His right hand went to turn your face towards him and you saw an opportunity presented to you. With no hesitation, you bit his hand hard. Shocked at your action, he withdrew his hand back in pain while accidentally his left hand let you go. However, his left hand was the only thing holding you up on his lap. Thus you found yourself colliding with the carpeted ground below. Before you could compose yourself, Lucian had already gotten out of his chair. Staring down at you, his purple eyes gleamed in amusement. You noticed that the small wound that you had inflicted on his hand had already healed.

"My pet, I find your resistance amusing, but I can only be so patient."

You found yourself gulping, as your eyes darted towards the dining room doors. Not waiting another moment, you got up and bolted for the doors, throwing yourself at them in the process. Without thinking, you went for the entrance doors. Upon placing your hands on the door handles, you were thrown backwards, as the bracelet on your right wrist burned your skin. Crying out in pain, you tried to pull it off of you, but your attempt failed. The dining room doors opened once more, as Lucian walked into the foyer. His black coat flowed behind him, matching his swift movement towards you. Within a moment's notice, he stood standing over you.

"There's no need for this. Now stop making this harder on yourself," he stated, holding his right hand out for you to take.

Two options were presented to you. You could run and hide, but he would eventually find you due to the bracelet. Moreover, who knew what the consequences would be. The second option would be to take his hand, but you feared where that would lead you. Not liking either choice, you found yourself remaining on the floor. Lucian glanced down at your form and sighed. With no warning, he grabbed both of your arms and pulled you up before picking you up bridal style. This seemed to flick a switch on in your head, causing you to struggle in his grip. Your struggle only made him tighten his grip on you, as you were pressed against his chest.

As he walked up the stairs, your mind continued to wonder what his plans were. You had a pretty good idea, but you hoped that was not the case. Didn't you help him attain one of the mask pieces? Surely he should be treating you better, yet here he was carrying you to some place against your will. Back in that cave, you had endured the terrifying creature with the diamond eyes and almost had a mask kill you. Shouldn't that earn you some respect, or raise you above being merely a pet to him. Your mind kept pondering these thoughts, making you unaware of the approaching door.

The simple grey-blue door lay ahead on the second story of the mansion while darkness surrounded the rest of the hallway. Though, a single candelabrum illuminated the pathway leading to the door. Lucian rested his hand over the metal doorknob and twisted it, opening the door. Your mind snapped back to the current situation when you heard the doorknob turn. Biting the inside of your cheek, as if that would help you, you stared at the room behind the door.

A crimson red painted room with rich wooden trim greeted you. Various pictures of temples covered the walls while two simple wall lamps lighted the room, revealing all the details in the space. The two wall lamps rested at the sides of tri-piece mirror, which had elaborate metal working on it. Below the mirror was a carved stone fireplace, which burned brightly and gave warmth to the room. On top of the fireplace's mantle were two copper cornucopias, two marble white vases and a strange skull. In the center of the room were four cushioned chairs with pillows on them. They matched the color scheme of brown and dark red and surrounded a circular brown and red checkered footrest. Side tables sat in between the chairs. All of the furniture rested on a red and brown diamond patterned rug.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now