Carnations for my Warning

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  A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it is short. 

Lucian arrived in your room before setting you down on your bed. He waved his hand over you, removing the dirt and blood from your clothes. When finished, he grabbed a mahogany chair from the left side of the room and brought it over to your bedside. By now it was dark outside and the moon shone through the window, illuminating your sleeping form. Pushing a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your right ear, he stared at you with a worried gaze. He could tell that something was off and that you weren't merely just asleep.

Physically you looked fine, but your mental state was another matter. You were muttering incoherent phrases and your eyes moved back and forth under your closed eyelids. The signs showed him that you were having an non-peaceful dream. Glancing at your bracelet, Lucian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was trying to contact you again in your sleep. Resting his left hand on your forehead, he tried to ease your mind, but he could tell that his attempts weren't working.

His own mind was tormenting him. What had happened in that canyon, what caused your current condition? If only he could've gone past the barrier with you, rather than wait behind it and let you face the terrors of the other side all by yourself. Tightening his hands around your right hand, he prayed that you would be alright. He couldn't lose another person close to him, and he feared that whatever was plaguing your mind might take you away from him. Thus he got out of the chair and onto the bed with you. Pulling you onto his lap, he secured his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder before falling asleep himself.

When he awoke, he found you still asleep. Sighing, he got off of the bed and attended to his morning matters before returning to your side. You were still asleep, making him pace the room back and forth. After five minutes of this, he went over to you and tried to shake you awake, yet you stayed unconscious, still muttering incomprehensible words. Backing away from you with concern filled eyes; he decided to go to his potions room.

He worked with Pastel, trying several potions that he thought would aid you in waking up, but none of them worked. As four then seven days passed, his frustration grew. You were still alive, but in a state of endless sleep. Your mutterings only irritated him more due to that fact that he couldn't understand anything. Each day he would cast various spells to keep your body in a healthy state, but he was growing with intense worry and anger.

Angrily on the eighth day, he went into his potions room and made one last attempt at making a successful potion. When it failed, his hand froze, allowing the glass bottle to fall to ground. It broke into multiple shards, which scattered over the floor of your room. Fury seized him, causing him to throw the mahogany chair across the room, smashing it in the process. Storming out of your room, he left the mansion, having to attend a council meeting. His mind was at wit's end and all he wanted to do was murder the entire council, yet he couldn't do even that.

On the other hand, you had no idea that time was passing by so quickly. You were more concerned with seeing your best friend before you. Not being able to say anything, you just stood in shock. Hannah was standing before you. Furthermore, she remembered you, meaning that this must be some weird dream world. Lucian stated that he had erased their memories and you knew that he was the telling the truth. Thus this couldn't be reality; however you were still happy that you could see her. The only thing that worried you was her greeting. How could she be expecting you? Furthermore, her voice sounded a little off, but her comforting smile pushed that thought out of your mind.

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