Dressing the Tape

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Slowly, she pulled away from you, her eyes examining your calming smile that graced your face. "I don't ... do you mean it?" Nafera asked like her life depended on it.

"Of course," you said, your (e/c) eyes depicting the truth in your statement.

"I ... thank you, Miss _____."

"Just call me _____. There's no need for formalities."

She glanced to the side, as if debating your words before turning back to you and nodding. Her grey eyes now shone with happiness, as she stood up. Holding her hand out for you to take, you grabbed it and allowed her to pull you up. You both smiled once more at each other before hearing footsteps approach the two of you. Looking for the source of the sound, the two of you saw the new dolls standing a few feet away. They mentioned that they didn't know what to do for the outside chores. Nafera's eyes widened, as she wiped off the remaining tears, which the other dolls paid no attention to.

"Oh, I forgot to show you two the outside duties," she exclaimed before turning back to you.

Stating that you were fine if she left, she took the two new dolls outside before closing the entrance doors behind them. Hearing another pair of footsteps, you glanced behind you and saw Lucian now at the top of the stairs. His hair was a bit disheveled due to him sleeping, as he cast his gaze on you. He walked down the stairs until he reached you where he glanced at your slightly wet black dress sleeve.

"Were you crying, my pet? Hmm, though you show no signs that you had just been crying. Why is your sleeve wet?"

You didn't know how to answer. Would he be angered at the fact that Nafera had regained her memories? Sighing, you looked up at him and decided it would just be best to tell him.

"I helped Nafera remember her past," you stated, watching for his reaction.

"I see, so you did give the doll a name," Lucian mumbled to himself before continuing to say, "She obviously shed tears in remembering. Tell me, do I need to make preparations for another doll?"

"What?! No, she's fine. Why would you suggest such a thing?"

"Most don't handle the information well and try to kill themselves the instant they remember. They will continue to try and kill themselves until they succeed. I'm surprised that she didn't attempt such a thing when she remembered, interesting. What did you tell her, my pet?"

"I merely gave her support while she remembered. I told her that I consider her a friend."

Lucian at first just stared at you before his eyes softened. "You're too kind, my pet. Never did I expect you to become friends with one of the dolls."

"So, you're fine with us being friends?" you asked, finding it odd that he was so accepting of it; you were personally expecting him to be furious with you.

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