Step into Position

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

After Lucian finished eating, the two of you headed up to your room. Still annoyed and embarrassed by the whole mind barrier thing, you grabbed the wooden chair in the room and set it next to your bed. Lucian merely sighed and fulfilled your request by sitting in the chair. Glad that he listened to you, you climbed into bed and fell asleep. When you awoke, the pale morning light shone in through your window while the sound of a light rain could be heard outside. Turning to your right side, you saw Lucian, who smiled gently at you. Seeing that you were awake, he announced that he had another meeting to attend with the council. Furthermore, he stated that he would rest when he returned before he taught you formal dance. You simply nodded your head before yawning a little.

Finding your yawn adorable, Lucian gave you a light kiss on the forehead before exiting the room. With a light dash of pink on your cheeks, you got out of bed and carried on with your morning routine. When you finished, you walked out of your room, wearing a v-neck dark grey dress that fell just above your knees. It had red and black lace at the hem of the dress as well as at the end of the long sleeves. Black knee high boots with red laces covered your feet, as you walked down the stairs leading to the second story of the mansion.

Your day went by calmly with Nafera and you eating breakfast together, since you insisted that you do so, since she had cleaning to do the rest of the day. As for you, after breakfast, you decided that you might as well read some more of the book Lucian had given you. In the afternoon you stopped reading and headed to the potions room where chatted with Pastel. The two of you ended up tending to some of the trees on the small stone table, which was rather interesting. This was because when you gave the trees their needed potion of nutrition they glowed brightly while the little star flowers on the trees began to sway in the absent wind.

Lucian hadn't returned until around three in the afternoon. He headed straight to his room where he presumably fell right asleep. You left Pastel's company around four in the afternoon, when you decided to eat a late lunch, which was prepared by the black-haired doll. Thanking her for the food, she merely nodded and went back to the kitchen. When you finished, you brought your dishes into the kitchen where the doll began to clean them. Afterwards you exited out of the kitchen and dining room, debating on what to do until Lucian woke up. Once an idea came to mind, you headed off to the inside grass field, which you hadn't visited for awhile.

Reaching the room, you headed straight for the swing. Just relaxing your mind, you swung back and forth, as a gentle breeze swept over the area. You had no idea how much had passed when you felt the swing being stopped by someone other than you. Glancing back, you saw Lucian, who was wearing a plain crimson button-up shirt with black pants and his typical boots. His arms wrapped around your waist, as he rested his chin on your left shoulder.

"I'm sorry that you had to wait so long, my pet. Are you ready for your lesson?"

"Yeah, I guess. What time is it anyway?" you questioned, feeling your cheeks heat up a bit due to his face being mere inches from your own.

Noticing your light blush, Lucian smiled lightly to himself before replying, "Seven in the evening."

Merely nodding your head in response, you went to get off of the swing, but couldn't due to Lucian's arms still being wrapped around you. Glancing back at him, you saw him laugh a little before releasing you. Getting off of the swing, you followed him out of the room. He led you to the ballroom at the back of the mansion on the second story. Seeing the familiar grey doors, you remembered that the last time you had entered this room was when you were here with your two friends Hannah and Annalisa. Lucian opened the doors, motioning for you to enter, but you remained frozen. Due to the doors now being opened, you could almost picture your friends' unconscious bodies dancing across the polished tile. While you were envisioning this, you didn't notice that your hands were trembling slightly.

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