A Cook without Instructions

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Opening the kitchen door, you felt a wave of heat hit you and realized that the fires were still lit, making you wonder if they ever went out. You were thankful though that you didn't have to light your own fire. Thus you proceeded into the kitchen and closed the door behind you. The warmth was pleasant, since it was somewhat cold in the mansion despite it being the summer. Personally, you didn't know what you were going to make for dinner. Before you had never really been asked, something was just prepared for you. Now that you had the freedom to choose your meal, you found yourself rather clueless. Glancing at the various items on the table an idea came to mind.

"I know I'll make pasta. Now I'll just need a cookbook" you mumbled to yourself.

Scanning the room, you searched for a cookbook that would give you some guidance in how to make the dish. You could cook as long as you had a cookbook. Thus when you found no such item in the kitchen, you were slightly concerned. In the past you had made some food without a cookbook, but you didn't really want to use the tactic of throw stuff in a pan and hope it tastes good. Resting your hands on your hips, you heard your stomach growl and decided you might as try to appease your stomach.

Grabbing a pot, you filled it with water before resting it on one of hooks over one of the fires, since it would not fit on one of the stoves. Retrieving some rotini, you placed the pasta in the water and let it cook. You had no idea on how long it would take, but hopefully observation would be enough. As you were waiting for the noodles to cook, you decided to try and prepare a sauce. Wishing that there were jars of sauce in the kitchen, you tried to recall what usually went in a common sauce. Knowing that there were tomatoes, you grabbed them along with mushrooms, salt and pepper. Now you only needed a pan.

You sighed when you saw them hanging from the ceiling. How were you supposed to reach those? Not having any other choice, you dragged the wooden rectangular table in the middle of the room across the floor. With it now under the various pans, you climbed atop it and took down a pan. Keeping the table in its new place in case you needed another pan later, you also picked up a knife and began to cut up the tomatoes and mushrooms. Happy that you had managed to cut the items without giving yourself an injury, you threw the two items in the pan. Just as you were about to go over to the stove, you thought that maybe the rotini were done. When you looked down at the cooking noodles, you saw that they were indeed done. First you put two gold and black oven mitts on your hands, which you took from the storage closet.

With the mitts over your hands, you carefully removed the pot from over the fire and set it down on the sink, which was in the left corner of the room on the right side of the door. Finding a strainer bowl, you poured the pasta into it, as the hot water drained into the sink. Now that the pot was empty, you set it on the ground and grabbed the noodles before placing them on the rectangular table. Going back over to the pan, you picked it up along with the salt and pepper. Once it was on the stove, you turned on the cooking device while taking a spatula off the wall. As you were making the sauce, you realized that it really couldn't be considered sauce. To your relief though, when you tried a bit of it, it still tasted good. Something was missing though, but soon you found it. You just needed to add some meat to the mixture, but you had no idea on how to cook meat.

Well, you had already managed to get this far, so why not go for it. Retrieving another pan hanging from the ceiling, you grabbed some chicken from the interesting block of ice that served as a refrigerator and freezer. Once the chicken was cut up, you put the new pan on the stove and started to cook the chicken. By now you had already moved the sauce to a burner that was off. When you presumed that the chicken was done, you took it off the hot burner and set it on a cool one. Now with everything prepared, you retrieved a plate and served yourself the food. Hesitantly, you grabbed a fork before you took a bite of your creation.

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