Something to Make, Something to Drink

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  Standing on a round small stone table was a small pale pink looking creature. It looked like some type of rodent, but you couldn't tell. In its tiny paws it held a purple glass bottle, which had a shimmering blue substance inside. Glancing back at Lucian, he merely smiled at you and signaled you to go forward. Besides the small creature, the room was lined with wooden walls filled with potion bottles, books and other small artifacts. Miscellaneous objects rested on top of the shelves while a single window let in light from outside. However, the dominant light source in the room was the golden flowers that glowed brilliantly. A clock hanging on the rich brown walls ticked away under the vines of various flowers that decorated the top of the room.

All in all the room was enchanting and having reached the small stone table, you watched the little animal carry the potion bottle over to the other side of the table. So far it hadn't noticed that there were two more people in the room with it. Thus your curious (e/c) eyes scanned the rest of the table. On top lay more potion bottles of different colors, ranging from dark purple to medium blue to turquoise. Small potted trees grew in health and shimmered in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the table stood a strange contraption, which you figured to be an aid in making the potions. Steam came out the top while plants and water bubbled on the inside of the glass containers. Intrigued by the contraption, you leaned in closer only to have the small creature turn around at the same time.

Jumping up in fright, it let out a high pitched squeak before falling backwards off the table. Worried you went to catch it, but Lucian caught it first. Looking upwards the creature's eyes widened in surprise.

"Master Lucian I had not seen you there. Please, forgive me," the creature said in a high-pitched voice.

"It's quite alright Pastel. Now I wanted to introduce you to someone."

Pastel glanced over at you, eyes swirling with curiosity. The mouse like creature stood up in Lucian's hand before jumping onto the table. Walking over to you, it bowed.

"Pastel this is Mr. _____'s daughter."

Hearing Lucian's words, the creature's eyes shone brightly with excitement and joy, "So you're the one who will help Master Lucian achieve his goal of attaining the mask. Oh, miss thank you for helping him".

It was obvious that this creature was a hundred percent loyal to Lucian and would never betray him. Though, you wondered how such a thing happened. You never had imagined Lucian as an animal person. Glancing over at Lucian, you now saw him staring closely at one of the glass containers in the contraption. However, the tiny animal pulled your attention away from him.

"Umm, well I guess you're welcome. By the way you can just address me as ____," you stated, seeing the creature continue to beam up at you.

The creature nodded in response before walking over to Lucian. Staring up at their master, Pastel watched Lucian, as if waiting for a response. On the other hand, Lucian rested his right hand against the glass sphere container, which was filled with bubbling brown liquid. To you it looked like root beer flavored soda. In the next moment, he twisted the sphere a little and the liquid inside bubbled more furiously. Next he touched one of the strange runes on the contraption, which pumped in some contents from another container into the brown liquid. Having added some of the purple substance, the brown contents changed into a light purple color while small dark purple crystals began to form at the bottom of the sphere. Giving a signal to Pastel, the creature went over to another rune on the machine and glided his paw over it. At once the machine shut off. Lucian then removed the sphere from its place on the contraption. Grabbing an empty lavender bottle, he poured the liquid into the bottle while keeping the crystals out. Setting the bottle down, he incinerated the crystals in his hand, leaving nothing left.

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