A Beginning to a Dance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  Dinner passed and so did the evening. When morning came, you awoke to Lucian's arms wrapped around your waist while his chin rested on your right shoulder. Your cheeks were dusted with a light pink while you tried to pry his arms from your waist. He shook his head a little before allowing you off the bed. Now on your two feet, you went to the bathroom and proceeded with your morning routine. As for Lucian, he found himself falling asleep.

When you finished with everything, you walked out in your pajamas, deciding not to change, since you were going to have to change for the Venefici Ballatio later on anyway. Thus when you walked back into the bedroom, your (e/c) eyes landed on Lucian's unconscious form. His raven black bangs covered his closed eyelids slightly while a simple smile painted his lips. He presented the perfect image of peace and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up a little. Casting your gaze away from him, you decided to exit your room and eat some breakfast. Lucian was probably exhausted and you assumed that he would need sleep before the event this evening. Moreover, it meant you could spend time with Nafera.

Breakfast passed with Nafera and you playing cards at the same time. Once the two of you finished eating, Nafera went back into the kitchen and prepared a plate for Lucian. She was going to take it up to him, but you stated that you could do the task. At first Nafera gave you a strange look, but her expression changed into an unreadable one, as she handed you the plate. As you went back up to your room, you wondered why you had offered to take the plate to Lucian. Maybe you figured that he would just be looking for you when he awoke, though part of you knew that wasn't the real reason. That part however remained in the shadows until it was time for it to reveal itself.

Arriving at your room, you opened the door before closing it behind you. Going over to the table in your room, you set down the plate and glanced at Lucian. He still had the same peaceful air about him, as when you left him. Before you knew what you were doing, you found yourself pushing some strands of his hair away from his face. Your action however caused Lucian's eyes to blink before opening. You had no time to retract your right hand from his face before his left hand secured your hand in place.

"Ah, I didn't expect to awake to your touch," he said, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Tch, I was merely trying to wake you up, though maybe I should've slapped you awake," you stated, looking away from him due to your face growing red in coloration.

Still looking away from him, you felt yourself being pulled downwards and soon found your face against his chest. Trying to push yourself away, you only felt yourself being pulled more onto the bed. There was no time for you to protest further, as you felt yourself being flipped onto on your back. Glancing upwards, you saw Lucian looking down at you, his purple eyes locking their gaze with your (e/c) orbs. By now your cheeks were crimson, but you managed to glare at him. He chuckled slightly at your facial expression before lowering his lips to your right ear.

"Tell me why you awoke me?" he whispered, his warm breath sending chills up your spine.

"I came to give you your breakfast, though I'm now regretting that decision."

He turned his head to look for the meal and found it on the wooden table. You could feel his grip on you loosen before he got off of you completely. Standing, he stated, "How thoughtful, thank you."

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