Insanum Mens

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  A/N: I would recommend not to play the video until you see the next A/N in the story. 

Staring into his purple eyes, you searched them for any sign of falsity, but you saw none. His words repeated in your mind. Even after hearing them, you struggled to put your trust in him. Why did his words sound so hollow even though his eyes showed otherwise? Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt him remove you from his hold.

"Lucian ..."

Before you could say anymore, he cut you off, saying, "My pet, let's hold off the matter for now. It really will be best if we finish with the sanatorium before nightfall, since I'm presuming that is when the creature in the building is the strongest due to it attacking its victims at that time."

Sighing, you just nodded in reply, feeling the tension between you two ease. Now the quiet air wasn't awkward, but peaceful. Though, the silence was soon broken by your stomach growling lightly. Blushing slightly due to embarrassment, you noticed that Lucian stopped and looked down at you smirking. You merely glared at him. Why was he smirking? He was the one who took you out of the mansion before you could eat anything. However, you saw him reach into his coat pocket before pulling out a wrapped up pastry, which resembled a pop tart somewhat. Holding it out to you, you hesitantly took it, examining it in the process.

Unwrapping the pastry, you gave it one last look before biting into it. Though it resembled a pop tart, it tasted nothing like one. In fact it tasted more like you had bitten into a chicken pot pie. The pastry was hot like it had just come out of the oven and brought a small smile to your face in satisfaction.

"Thank you," you mumbled, as the two of you started to walk onward once more.

"You're welcome, my pet."

"Are you not going to eat?"

"Hmm, I have no desire for food at the moment. Though, I'm glad to see that you're enjoying your meal."

Merely nodding, you continued to press forward. Time passed, as your food diminished until you rolled up the remaining wrapper and put it in one of your coat pockets, not knowing what else to do with it. During this time, you occasionally would glance over at Lucian. His coat flowed out behind him in a graceful manner while his eyes seemed to have a far off look to them. You could tell he was thinking about something, but what? If you could just know what he was thinking, then you could know whether or not to trust him. Focusing back on the path in front of you, you noticed the trees disappearing up ahead.

Soon your (e/c) eyes saw a three story abandoned mansion made out of beige stone. However, you knew that the mansion used to once house those considered mentally ill. Roof tiles were falling off, leaving spaces of bare roof. Windows were broken and shattered while others were covered with wooden boards or stone. The front doors were missing, allowing the onlooker to see the darkness that lay inside. Overall an ominous presence hung over the place.

Your eyes still staring at the building, you found yourself looking for anything in the windows. At one point you could have sworn that you saw something run past some of the windows on the west wing of the second story. When Lucian rested his left hand on your right shoulder, you jumped a little in surprise. Shaking his head a little at your reaction, you rolled your eyes before taking his hand off of your shoulder.

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