Time in an Antique Room

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Traveling down the quiet and dark hallway, you saw Lucian approaching an old wooden door towards the end of the hallway. Its ancient grey wood stood out among the rest of the brand new golden doors that shone with elegance under the dim light of the magnificent golden chandeliers that hung overhead. On the other hand this door had no brilliance, rather it held an ancestral quality that intrigued the mind and dared one to open its hidden secrets.

You still felt tears running down your cheeks, but they were slowing in number and soon only the memory of them remained. Reaching the door, Lucian managed to open the door with you still in his arms. Once the door was open, it unveiled what was kept inside. Pale moonlight shone through the paned white windows while torn and worn out olive green curtains lay at their sides. Walls, worn by age, peeled and added to the abandoned feel of the space. A balcony rested just outside the room, which had an antique feel to it. Plain dome shaped chandeliers hung from the ceiling with unpolished brass trim. No illumination came from them and you could see no light switch in the room. There was a grand piano covered with a thick layer of dust that stood in the far left corner of the room. Sheets of music were on top while a cup filled with murky old water remained on top of the piano as well. Light reflected off the golden mirror that hung above marble fireplace. An old clock was placed on the mantel, ticking away with a time no longer accurate. In the middle of the room were two lonely chairs with crème colored cushions along with a round center table polished and painted blue on the top. Only an old wall fixture gave further light to the room.

Lucian went into the room with you in his arms still before setting you down gently on the cushioned chair closest to the window that led out onto the balcony. Now sitting down, you could only cast your gaze at your feet, ashamed of your tear streaked face. Soon Lucian knelt down in front of you and took your hands in his. His purple eyes seemed to shine in the moonlight while he kept his gaze on you; however you found that you couldn't make eye contact with him. Removing his right hand from yours, he used it to lift up your chin, so that you were forced to look at him. Giving you a soft smile, he moved his hand from your chin to your cheek. The gentle touch of his hand seemed to send chills up your back and you tensed.

Somehow you managed to utter, "Lucian, where are we?"

"In a room that time has forgotten, a room that no longer sees regular visits, and remains forgotten by many."

A tiny smile appeared on your lips at his statement. Why were you smiling though? Was it because his words were phrased delicately and charmingly? Did it pertain to the fact that your heartbeat seemed to be quicker, as he stared at you with those calming eyes? What was happening to you, why were you thinking these thoughts? You knew the answer, but you couldn't find it in you to utter the answer, for you were scared of the result. Clinching at the skirt of your dress, you suddenly felt Lucian remove the mask from your face before he took off his own. He set them gently on the round table, allowing them to shine under the moonlight. Moving his right hand back onto your cheek, he stroked your skin with a loving touch.

"My pet, are you feeling better?"

"I ... don't know," you muttered quietly.

He only smiled at your response before standing up. The clock continued to tick in the background, adding significance to each passing minute. Even though the time was not accurate, it still gave weight to the quiet atmosphere of the room. Glancing up at him, you watched as he went over to the piano and glided his right fingers over its dust covered surface.

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