The Rocky Stream

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  A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it's quite short. 

Being on the other side of the barrier, you saw a tunnel that seemed to be made out of smoothed rock. As you walked down the tunnel, your boots clicked against the rock. This was the only sound in the tunnel besides your quiet breathing. All around you was the smoothed rock with no other details highlighting the area. The small light and the flaming sword illuminated your barren surroundings while casting your shadow across the rock. You tried to peer ahead, but only saw more of the plain tunnel.

At times, you would jump slightly, thinking your shadow was some sort of monster. Furthermore, you were constantly paranoid about the fact that your shadow may attack you. Your eyes scanned the area continually, searching for anything new, or anything threatening. Even though you saw nothing, this only made you more perturbed that something would eventually jump out at you.

After what seemed like fifteen minutes of walking, you finally saw light up ahead. You found your feet quickening their pace against the rocky floor. Happy to see some new scenery, you increased your pace to a run, wanting to be rid of the endless tunnel. When your feet reached the end of the tunnel, you stared out at the landscape in front of you. Mesmerized by what lay in front of you, you signaled the light to go out. It became a tiny ball of glass, as it fell into your hand. Placing it into one of the coat pockets, you returned your attention back to the scenery that lay before you.

The tunnel merged into a grand stone canyon, which opened up to the cloudy but sunny sky above. Shining brightly, the sun highlighted the carved arches that connected the two sides of the canyon while its light reflected off the watery path that ran down the middle of the canyon. Columns stood at a medium tall height along the walls of the canyon, making the path seem like a grand road into the sunset, into the end of a journey.

A cool breeze came down the canyon, blowing your (h/c) hair back a little. Breathing in the refreshing air before exhaling it, you stepped onto the water filled path. Water splashed up against your traveling knee high boots, as you took in your surroundings a bit more. That's when you noticed the figures standing behind the columns. You froze, as their gaze seemed to be fixed on you. Figures clothed in white sheets hovered in the air. If it were Halloween you would have laughed at the simple ghost like costumes, but sadly it was not Halloween and you weren't out trick-or-treating. Thus their presence slightly terrified you, as you found yourself gripping the flame sword more.

Recovering yourself, you moved forward. Watching them out of the corner of your eye, you saw them turn slowly in order to follow your movements. Feeling your heart rate increase due to fear, you tried to focus on the path in front of you. As you progressed further down the road, you saw the figures begin to disappear, however this only worried you more. Something did not feel right about their vanishing. At this moment you decided it best to run down the path and so you did.

With your feet pounding against the watery path, water splashed even more furiously around your feet. The only thing that seemed to be maintaining your sanity was the sunlight and the burning weapon in your right hand. Looking ahead, you saw the road coming to end, leading to a cliff. This only increased your worry, though on the edge of the cliff you saw part of a mask hanging from the branch of a barren tree. When your (e/c) eyes caught sight of the object, you found relief wash over you, yet you heard movement behind you. Hearing the sound of water being pushed aside roughly, you fearfully turned around, as relief quickly evaporated from your being.

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