Descent to the Exit

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  At first you stood quite still, processing his words. Did he just call you by your name? Maybe you weren't hearing him right. It sounded so foreign coming from his lips, though your heart seemed to skip a beat by the sound of it. Turning away from him, you glanced at the mountains with a light blush on your face, though you looked back over at Lucian when you heard a certain sound. A smile tugged at your lips, as you covered your mouth with your left hand, trying to hold in your laughter.

"A bit hungry there Lucian?" you questioned, chuckling to yourself.

When you asked him this though, he was looking around the area, as if someone else was there among the two of you.

Before you could ask what he was doing, he stated, still turned away from you, "That wasn't me, _____."

There it was again. Would he continue to call you by your name after tonight, or was this it? You couldn't be sure, but you pushed the thought from your head, when you noticed the look on his face. Was there really someone else among the two of you? Not being able to see anyone, you found yourself growing with worry. That's when you saw slight movement over by one of the crimson banners. It was barely noticeable, but there was something there. Going over to Lucian, you quietly stated what you saw and his gaze instantly landed on the banner.

Slowly, he walked over to the banner, but in that moment you heard running footsteps and something go past you. Whatever this was didn't get far, as Lucian quickly summoned an ice spear and threw it in that direction. You heard a loud grunt before a figure started to appear before you. Lucian soon pulled the ice spear from the individual while blood ran down their right arm. Afterwards he grabbed the now visible man and threw him against one of the arches before lifting him up by the collar and holding him up against the arch. This man had blonde hair with pink highlights and orange eyes. His attire consisted of a simple white peasant shirt, black pants and brown knee-high boots. A plain black fabric mask rested on his face. The man struggled under Lucian's grip, but he was too weak to push Lucian away from him. Lucian's face held a dark expression and you could tell he was angered by this man's presence.

"How long were you there? Where you here for the entire time we were out here?"

"I ... just came ... out here. I didn't know anyone ... else was out here. So when I saw you two ... I made myself blend into the surroundings ... and thought I would ... sneak by ... without interrupting you ... two."

"You're a horrible liar. Now answer my questions honestly," Lucian said, his voice growing with more fury as time passed.

"I ..."

"Hmm, fine don't answer. I'll assume that you heard our entire conversation. Tell me, did Regulus send you to spy on me? Are you another one of his toys that he has charmed to do his bidding?"

No words came from the man's lips, but the answer was evident on his face.

"Tch, I knew it. Well I can't have you reporting to him. You're consequence for intruding on our privacy is the loss of some of your memories."

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now