Winter in Summer

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  After having grabbed your book and slippers, you went off to your room. Once finished with your night routine and having changed into a pair of comfortable purple flannel pajamas, you hopped into your bed and let sleep overtake you. When you awoke in the morning, you found grey light shining into your room from the paned windows and small windows at the top of the room. Stretching, you got out of bed and went over to the bathroom, starting and completing your morning routine. This morning you didn't need to take a shower, since you took one last night. Thus you accomplished everything pretty quickly. However, when you went to go change into day clothes, you found Lucian sitting on the sofa by the paned windows. His eyes looked at you disapprovingly, as he got up and approached you.

Staring down at you, he said, "Well that attire won't do."

Before you could explain that you were going to change, Lucian began to unbutton the top of your pajama shirt. Blushing madly, you seized his hands and stopped him from proceeding.

"What do you think you're doing? I can change my own attire by myself thank you very much."

"You may be able to, but today I need to approve of your wear."

"Fine, just pick out the dress then, but you don't need to undress me," you exclaimed still blushing.

"Well, I suppose that will do," he stated, his eyes showing disappointment.

Lucian went into your closet and began to search for a suitable dress. You followed him into the closet and watched as he examined the different articles of clothing. After what seemed like five minutes, he finally picked out a dress. Though, you were surprised to see that it was a winter dress. A majority of the dress was a deep crimson red while white fabric that resembled fur was at the end of the sleeves and on the rim of the coat part of the dress. The top part of the dress was covered with the said coat, which had a red bow on the front part of it. As for the rest of the top part of the dress, it was fitted and had several buttons on it while the bottom flared out and had two pockets, which weren't just for decoration. Handing you the dress, you looked at Lucian confused.

"Lucian you do know that it isn't winter, right?"

"Indeed I do, but the Luciels like the temperature to be extremely cool. Thus having a winter dress will prove the wise choice. Now please go ahead and change."

"Well, can you leave first?" you stated with a firm voice.

"I suppose I can. I'll meet you outside then, my pet."

With that, he walked out of the closet and closed the door behind him. Waiting a few seconds, you decided it was safe to change. Unlatching the coat part of the dress and unbuttoning the top, you set the dress aside, as you took off your pajamas. Slipping into the dress, you then secured it on your form, grabbed a pair of over-the-knee white socks, which had red lace on them, and a pair of matching red knee high boots. Now dressed fully, you went out of the closet and saw Lucian standing right outside. Before you could protest, he grabbed your left wrist and brought you over to the mirror. Figuring that you should fix your hair somewhat, you decided to have it pulled back into a braid while a red ribbon hung at the end of it. Lucian seemed satisfied with the finished product due to him wrapping his arms around your waist.

Bringing his lips close to your left ear, he whispered, "You look absolutely wonderful, my pet. I knew that dress would suit you. Your hair looks lovely as well."

You could only mutter a thank you while glancing away from him. Releasing you from his grasp, he backed away and waited for you by the door of your room.

"When are they arriving?"

"In ten minutes, they will be having breakfast with us and that's all. They merely told me that they have plans that they must attend. Though, their main reason for coming is so that they can meet you. Frankly, I would rather not have them come at all, but the entire council agreed upon the matter, once again outvoting me on the discussion."

Nodding in response, you trailed after him out of the room. While doing so, you finally noted that his attire was different as well. He had a white dress shirt with gold embroidery on while a blue velvet coat with gold buttons rested on his shoulders. Black dress pants covered his legs, as black riding boots hid his feet and part of his pants. Furthermore, you noticed that a golden earring hung in his left ear. It was a hoop earring that had a chain with a skull dangling from it. It complemented him well. Moreover, several gold rings with sapphires decorated his fingers on both hands while his nails were painted in a dark blue. Seeing Lucian dressed in such formal attire made you wonder how the Luciels would dress.

Reaching the hallway, Lucian linked his right arm with your left arm. Being so close to him, you could see the frustration in his eyes. You knew that the council and he were not on good terms, but what could fuel such mutual hatred? He had stated that he had different opinions than them, but certainly there was more to the story than that. Moreover, why had the council not just expelled him from being a council member? Why was he on the council still, if they were out to kill him with assassins? It didn't make any sense. There were too many gaps in the situation that needed to be filled. However, you doubted that Lucian would ever explain anything more to you.

Realizing that the two of you were now at the bottom of the stairs, you stopped since Lucian halted his movement. Standing beside the doors were the blue-haired doll and Nafera. You could hear the gates opening up outside and horse hooves pounding against the courtyard path. Lucian signaled the two dolls to open the doors, revealing a large copper colored carriage, which was pulled by two brown horses. However, the two horses had antlers on their heads, making them resemble deer. Their bright blue eyes with no pupils seemed to stare at nothing in particular, as their owners stepped out of the carriage.

A man with combed back golden blonde hair stepped out of the carriage first. His dark pink eyes stared at the open doors before turning back to the carriage door. He held out his hand, which a woman with rich forest green hair and brown eyes took. The man had a brown dress shirt on, which was covered slightly by a velvet black coat with silver embroidery. Black dress pants and shoes matched the rest of his attire. On his left hand was a golden ring with a black gemstone and another gold ring, but with a diamond instead. As for the woman, she had an elegant silk dark green Victorian dress on to match her hair. Ivory lace highlighted multiple parts of the dress. Her shoes were hidden by the long dress while a golden ring with a diamond in it sat on her left ring finger. Likewise, a golden necklace with emeralds decorated her neck. After they got out of the carriage, Rayna followed in suit, wearing a dark pink Victorian dress with light pink lace covering the velvet fabric of the dress.

Entering through the door, the two Luciels stared at you with fascination like you were some specimen in a laboratory. Rayna merely glared at you before casting her gaze on Lucian. She gazed at him with such intensity that you had to look away. There was no doubt in her feelings for Lucian. You suddenly felt very uncomfortable standing in the foyer. Lucian seemed to sense your unease and pressed you closer to him. Though, slightly grateful for the gesture, you could feel Rayna's burning glare on you.

"Lord and Lady Luciel, I welcome you to my home as well as your daughter. The dining hall is just through these doors. I expect the three of you desire some nourishment and wish to converse over breakfast."

"Indeed, I wish to get to know the hybrid more," stated the Lady, as she kept her gaze on you.

"Also thank you for keeping your house cold. Warm air is such a burden to my body," claimed the Lord, who stood tall beside his wife.

At first you hadn't noticed the now freezing temperature of the mansion, but suddenly the cold began to bite at your skin. Thankfully, you were wearing the warm dress. Lucian kept his grip on you, as he guided the Luciels into the dining room. Taking your usual seats, the Luciels took the three seats on the right side of the table. As plates appeared on the tables, filled with quiche, and various types of melon, the atmosphere in the room grew heavy. Four glasses of mimosa came into existence before Lucian and the Luciels while a glass of just orange juice sat in front of you. Rayna smiled arrogantly at you, as though her drink was better than your own. Honestly, though orange juice tasted just fine without champagne. Thus you merely ignored her. Once Lucian began to eat, everyone followed in suit.

"Now, what would you like to know about Ms. _____?"

Had Lucian just used your last name? It sounded odd to your ears, but you were grateful for it. At least he was respecting you in front of the Luciels. You found yourself smiling lightly, as you bit into a piece of quiche that was on your fork.

"Lucian, surely you shouldn't address her as a person. She's an oddity among our community," Rayna stated in a snobbish voice.

"Please forgive me Ms. Luciel, but I shall call her whatever I desire."

"Indeed Rayna, we must treat the hybrid on equal terms. She's more of a rarity rather than an oddity. Now to answer your question Lord Lucian, my husband and I would be pleased to know of how strong her capabilities are."

"I'm sure you already know the capacity of her power."

"So it's true that she can pass through any barrier?"

Hesitantly, Lucian replied, "Yes, I'm quite sure of it."

"So you haven't tested her powers out yet then? Interesting, though I wonder why you decided to acquire the hybrid. Furthermore, why has she chosen to stay here with you? Surely, she would prefer a home back among the humans unless of course you're keeping her by force," stated Lord Luciel, as his shined with a strange light.

"Ahh, or maybe you had contact with her parents. You know that they were exiled right and that they were allowed no further contact with the mage community."

Taking another bite of quiche, you could tell that Lucian was growing more aggravated by the Luciels. Furthermore, you were getting tired of them talking about you like you were not present. Moreover, you were slightly frustrated with Lucian for letting speak of you like a lab experiment. Thus you surprised yourself with your next course of action.  

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