Cards in the Small Room

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   A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

When morning came, you found yourself slowly opening your eyelids before quickly closing them due to the bright light from the sun peeping through the thick grey clouds outside. Moving around a bit, you tried to open your eyes once more and this time saw Lucian staring down at you. Almost immediately you remembered him putting you to sleep last night and felt a blush creep onto your face.

"Good morning, my pet. I take it you slept well."

"Yeah," you said, looking to the side, trying to hide your slightly pink cheeks.

"Good, well now that you're up I must attend to the outside barriers."

He moved you off of his lap before standing up and walking towards the door of the study.

"Lucian shouldn't you get some sleep?" you questioned, noticing his tired eyes.

"I will once I'm finished with the barriers."

After saying this, he left the room but not before summoning Nafera. With Lucian now gone, you leaned back into the couch as Nafera walked over to you. "Would you like any breakfast?"

"Hmm, I'm not hungry at the moment, but some coffee would be nice. Anyway Nafera, I have a question what do you do when you're not cleaning the mansion?" you questioned, genuinely wanting to know what the doll did in her spare time.

"What do you mean? There hasn't been a time when I'm not cleaning the mansion, or watching the perimeters for any sign of trouble."

"Well, don't you have free time, don't you need to sleep?"

"I'm a doll; why would I need sleep, and what's free time?"

Well it did make sense that she wouldn't need sleep, since she was a doll, but you were surprised to find out that she never heard of the concept of free time. Did Lucian really work her day and night with no break?

"Well it's time where you have nothing to do, or rather time that is just for you."

"Strange, though, why are you asking me these questions?"

"I was curious, and I have nothing to do for the remainder of the day. I could read, but I don't feel like it. That's it, I have an idea. Nafera has there ever been anything that you've wanted to try, but haven't been able to due to your work schedule?".

"Hmm, well there is one thing. There's these objects that come in a box and I believe they have different numbers and characters on them like king, queen, jack, etc."

"You want to play cards?"

"Yes, I believe that's what they're called, though I have no time for such a thing. I need to make your coffee and attend to my other duties."

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