More than a Spoonful of Shock

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  The combination of those seven words in a sentence seemed rather foreign to you. It was as though you were behind a glass wall and couldn't hear them. Frozen, you just stood there with your mouth hanging open ever so slightly. Did you really hear Lucian correctly? You figured that ruling with him would imply such an arrangement, but it seemed so far off in your mind. Now that it stared you in the face, you were like a deer in headlights, caught off guard and utterly surprised. Your own words seemed to jumble themselves into incoherent sounds of stuttering while your hands suddenly sought pockets to hide themselves in. Finding the ability to breathe again, you glanced up at him and tried to form a coherent sentence. Still nothing would leave your lips and you watched as Lucian walked back towards you, closing the distance between you two with every step. Each step sounded loudly in your ears, but your heartbeat was louder. When his hands rested on your shoulders, you felt yourself tense up at the contact. Locking his gaze once more with yours, he gently placed his right fingers under your chin.

"Why, do you not accept the proposal?"

Why were words failing you at this moment? You were frustrated at your own nervousness and found yourself glancing to the left side of you, as if that would make this decision vanish into thin air. Knowing that such a remedy didn't exist, you stared back at him and bit your bottom lip while you contemplated for the right words. Lucian didn't take his eyes off of you for a single moment, as he tried to decipher what you were thinking. There was no doubt that you had fallen for Lucian, for you even announced your feelings for him back at the Venefici Ballatio, though were you really ready for marriage? Technically, the arrangement wouldn't be that different considering the fact that you already lived with him and had him almost always by your side. Maybe it was just the idea and the fact that he would be your husband. It seemed so odd and your mind was having difficulty processing the proposal. Noticing Lucian's gaze, you could tell that he was getting impatient with you and for a moment you saw a wave of anger cross his eyes. Seeing this, you knew that you had to answer his question. With a hesitant and almost unnoticeable shake of the head, you indicated your answer.

His purple eyes glanced over your (e/c) orbs, as if determining whether you meant your answer. Pinpointing no lie in your gesture, a gentle smile painted itself across Lucian's lips. Your simple and silent shake of the head meant more to him than you answering with words, for your gesture and the look in your eyes told him everything he needed to know. Moving his fingers from your chin to some loose strands of your hair, he pushed them back. The action caused a shiver to go up your spine, as you felt some heat rise to your cheeks. Soon his left arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Wincing slightly due to the bruises, you pushed the pain aside and rested your head against his chest.

You were tired from the encounters with the various creatures in the traps as well as the ordeal that occurred in the woods. Thus you just needed to rest your head and Lucian's chest seemed to provide the perfect comfort for that. Personally, you didn't know what consequences would come out of your decision. At the moment though, you just wanted to rest your eyes and Lucian's steady heartbeat seemed to lull you to sleep. When your body went limp in his arms, he picked you up bridal style and carried you the rest of the way to your room.

Waking up in the morning, you found yourself curled up in your greyish-teal sheets while your head rested in Lucian's lap. Yawning slightly while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you glanced up at him before sitting up in the bed. When you went to tell him 'good morning', you smiled to yourself, as you saw him already asleep. You went to get out of your bed and change, but you found Lucian's arms wrapped around you, keeping you where you were. At first you tried to remove his arms from you, but found that his grip was annoyingly strong. Sighing in slight irritation, you leaned back against the headboard of the bed and waited for him to wake up. Not having much to do, you lazily ran your left fingers through his long raven black hair. A few hours passed before he opened his eyes. At last, you were released from his grip and you got out of the bed.

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