Grinning Shadows

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


Like last time the door slammed shut behind the two of you, locking you in a square room with no exit. Confused, you looked around the black and white tiled room that had grey walls and a single ornate silver frame on the wall in front of you. A light without a light source illuminated the frame as well as the room. Nothing was in the frame, but you had a feeling that might change in the next passing moments. The strange part of the room was the fact that the tiles seemed to go on past the walls that surrounded you. This made no sense, but then again you expected few things to make sense in this place. Lucian like you analyzed the room before walking up to the wall on his left side. Resting his right hand on the wall, he pressed against it, but nothing happened. He probably noticed the strange tile affect as well.

Before you had a chance to ask him what you should do next, you noticed something appearing in the frame. Knowing this would probably happen you prepared yourself, but as soon as something started to appear it vanished into thin air. You noticed Lucian backing away from the wall he was standing at. Upon glancing in that direction, you saw the reason why. As if the wall had an invisible window in it, silhouettes of figures gazed out at Lucian and you. Looking at the wall on the right side of you, you saw the same thing happening. At first you were terrified, but this fear intensified when Lucian vanished from your vision. In worry, you shouted out for him, calling his name, but nothing happened. Only the figures stared at you, as if you were some kind of animal locked in a cage. You were there for their entertainment and there was little you could do. Your eyes darted between the two walls until you felt your legs give way, making you crumble to the floor. For some reason their endless gaze penetrated any strength you had, causing you to feel utterly weak.

The urge to cover your eyes and ears filled your being, as your hands trembled. Regarding appearance, they were less terrifying than the creature from the hallway, but something about them just caused you to crumble. It felt like the judgment of thousand was being cast onto you. Every negative thought seemed to cross your mind, allowing a gripping darkness to spread throughout your mind. No voices escaped the lips of the silhouettes, yet whispers sounded in your head. Thoughts of betraying your friends and forever leaving them made themselves apparent. Mutters of disgust seemed to surround you. This disgust aimed towards the fact that you had fallen for a man, who tore you from your past life. Laughter tore at the seams of your mind; the figures laughing at your pathetic weak state, at how you needed protection from another. Weak, weakness were constantly repeated until the word hybrid and fool echoed around the room as well. Escape from the voices seemed impossible and you found yourself curling into a ball on the tiled floor. These taunts resonated in your head, repeating themselves over and over until you felt yourself lightly shaking.

While you were in this state, you didn't notice the figure in the frame making its presence known. Slowly it came to the silver window, its dark silhouette taking a more precise form. Fingers like needles and dripping with blood grabbed the edge of the frame. Its shadowy body pulled itself forward, as its head popped out of the frame. Glassy eyes like mirrors gazed around the room until they landed on you. A wide grin, painted with sharp pointed teeth dripping in the same blood that was on its fingers, stretched across its face, as it crawled out of the frame and came towards your curled up form. You never heard it come out of the frame or approach; it was a shadow that maneuvered past your field of vision. It raised its needle like fingers above your head, ready to plunge them into your flesh.

As you were suffering in your own torment, Lucian was dealing with one of his own. Similar to you, he had seen you vanish from before his eyes. Concern washed over his features, as he desperately called for you. His purple eyes darted across the entirety of the room, hoping to find you somewhere, but no such thing occurred. After a few minutes of this, he yelled in frustration, as if that would somehow summon you back to him. He couldn't lose you; he couldn't let the last important person to him disappear into mere memory. Running his right fingers through his long raven black hair, he saw the figures in the wall evaporate. Their presence was replaced by a murky dark liquid that resembled blood. This substance oozed out of the invisible windows as well as the silver ornate frame. Its slow descent to the checkered tiled floor only increased the ominous air about it. Lucian tried to get rid of it, but it repelled his attacks only getting closer.

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