Eight of Disturbance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Going into the next space, you saw that it resembled the first room you entered at least with respect to the stone floor, ceiling and walls. There was no doubt that Lucian and you were currently in a dungeon cell that mirrored something you would see in a medieval castle, though the electric light outside the cell kind of destroyed that image somewhat. You were grateful for this source of light however, since it illuminated your surroundings and added to the pale light that came through the bars at the top right side of the cell. Glancing behind you, you saw the opening gone, as it was replaced by a stone wall. This meant that you would have to proceed through the cell door. About to go over to the cell door and attempt to open it, you felt yourself being pulled back by Lucian. Before you could react, he drew you into the back left corner of the cell where the electric light's beams did not reach. He pushed you against the wall before placing his hands on either side of your head.

"Lucian what are ..."

He interrupted you by placing his left hand over your mouth. Quite confused, you looked up at him to see that he was looking over his shoulder. More perplexed, you went to look around him but heard something coming down the hall that lay outside the cell. It sounded like something was sniffing the area, and your (e/c) eyes widened at seeing the shadow of something coming into view. Stepping on your tippy-toes to get a better view, you removed Lucian's hand from your mouth and looked over his right shoulder. Allowing this, he warned you not to make a single sound. Nodding in response, you waited for the thing to make its appearance.

The thing came into sight, permitting you to gaze upon a rather disturbing creature. This creature had the body of a spider, the body of a black widow to be exact. Instead of spider legs, though, it had the legs of a human coming out of its side. Its head resembled that of a human except for its rather large mouth that had razor sharp teeth. A long protruding tongue hung out of its mouth. The tongue swiped across the ground, as though searching for some food. Tufts of brown hair were on the top of its head while eyes with small yellow irises and pupils scanned the surroundings. You wanted to jump, or gasp in surprise, but you made yourself remain quiet. You froze when the thing halted in front of your cell and peered inside. It seemed to stare right at you, but turned its gaze elsewhere in the cell. Apparently not noticing the two of you, it seemed to back away, but instead it quickly stuck one of its legs into the cell door and kicked around the walls by the door. Finding nothing, the creature backed away for good and went on down the hallway. Breathing a sigh of relief, you relaxed and stood on your feet normally. Lucian backed away from you before turning around to face the door.

"Why didn't it see us?"

"That creature has horrible distance vision. We probably looked like the wall to it, though it can see better in the light, hence the many lights that are in the hallway. Once we go out there, we will have no means of hiding. I doubt any of the other cells are unlocked for such a purpose."

"So essentially once we get out of the cell, we have to run."

"Yes, whatever you do, don't look back at the creature. It will only slow you down and possibly mean death."

"Couldn't you use magic on it?"

"No, like the caterpillar the creature is immune to magic. Running is the only option."

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now