Blood Painted Throne

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


As the man, who you assumed to be Rezin, stared upon you with gleaming eyes, you cast your gaze to the room around you. Moonlight shone through an arched stained glass window, further illuminating the candlelit room. Three lit candles were on each of the golden candelabras. These lighted items stood on the polished marble tiles. In fact the various arches and pillars that ran throughout the massive space were made of marble as well, but in a white hue. Unique designs were carved into the marble arches and pillars. Crimson red banners with faded images on them hung around the room. A long crimson red carpet ran down the center of the room, leading to two large silver and gold double doors at the end of the area. Four wooden pillars surrounded the marble platform that the cushioned chair rested on. Your thoughts of the room disappeared when you quickly remembered the situation you were in. Thus you turned your attention back to Rezin.

"I have no desire to talk to you, now release me," you stated, crossing your arms across your chest with a glare plastered on your face.

He laughed a little before replying, "You have no choice in the matter hybrid. Besides I only wish to talk to you and offer up a proposal."

"Why would I make an agreement with you? I'm assuming you're Rezin, so tell me why I would trust a man who tried to take over my mind in my dreams, why would I trust a man who killed almost all of his own family?"

"Ah, so Lucian told you his past and made the connection that I was the killer, how interesting. It took him long enough to figure out that I faked my death and killed my family members; though I'm surprised he told you all of this. He's not one to share the secrets that plague his mind, especially with one he intends to kill."

You felt yourself tense when you heard the last part of his statement. What did he mean by kill? Surely Lucian had no intention of doing so, though the venom of doubt began to fill your veins once again. Rezin noticed the growing worry in your facial expression and he smirked, knowing that he now had your attention.

"What do you mean? Lucian needs me to discover the mask pieces, why would he kill me?"

His smirk only grew wider with each word that left your lips before he said, "So I see he did leave out some vital information, of course he would. Tell me hybrid, what do you think would become of you after all mask pieces were retrieved?".

"I ... don't know. I would imagine ... that ... well," you couldn't form words, as this question rang in your ears, begging you for an answer that you couldn't give.

Why did this question haunt you so? You genuinely had no answer to the question. Part of you just figured that Lucian would allow you to continue to live with him, since he announced that he truly did care for you. Was that actually a lie covered in the shrouds of a false truth, a lie hiding under the delicate framework of an intricate mask? Were you really fooled that easily by the words that left the purple-eyed sorcerer's mouth, or was he speaking the truth? Doubt invaded your mind through the cracks and crevices that were still present. It preyed on what you held true, what you believed to be true, destroying and shattering the mirror that either reflected reality or illusion.

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