Proposal and Enemies

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


A band of platinum wrapped itself around your finger while three sapphires rested in the center of the ring with the one in the middle being the largest of three. Small pillars of platinum surrounded the three gemstones, giving a burst effect to the ring. Black diamonds went down the sides of the ring and were placed in the top part of the ring as well. This top part was curved and highlighted by the dark jewels. You found yourself just staring at it before looking back up at Lucian. Seeing your surprised face, Lucian pulled away from you and smiled lightly. Leaning causally on the back of the chair, he watched as you seemed to analyze the piece of jewelry in confusion.

"Well I hope you like it. I figured you wouldn't want something common and I think the colors suit you."

"Yeah, I like it. I just ..."

"Weren't expecting to see it so soon," Lucian finished for you, which caused you to nod in reply.

"It's just I'm still nervous about this whole affair; you really caught me off guard."

"Hmm, to me it seemed like a proper time, besides it will show the magic community that I'm serious about ruling beside you ____, though you have reminded me of something. How are the documents coming along?"

"I'll be done by Thursday," you replied, still eyeing the ring on your finger.

"Excellent, well should we go eat some dinner then?"

Agreeing to the idea, you followed him out of the library and to the dining room. You didn't even need to ask Lucian when the wedding would occur. There was no doubt that after the announcement and you two overthrew the council, the event would happen, however such an arrangement would only take place if nothing went wrong.


After summoning a rock wall to divide himself from his cousin and you, Rezin swiftly opened a portal that had taken him back to his home. His home rested in the Mejutan Mountains, which was a mountain range that lay west of the council's castle. Pine trees and streams were in abundance in this mountain range, as were bears due to the plentiful supply of fish in the waters. It was odd that few magical animals lived in the forest, but then again this mountain range was visited frequently by humans. Despite the fact that humans couldn't see creatures of magic, the creatures still preferred a different area. Rezin had no idea what the humans called this mountain range, but then again he didn't care about such facts.

Entering the two-story brick house, Rezin retreated to his living room where he lit his fireplace. Lying down upon the crimson red sofa, he groaned in slight pain due to the various stab wounds that covered his arms. They were healing but slowly, since Rezin was currently weaker than usual. He greatly desired to see his cousin dead. Now that he had lost Rayna, he had lost his informant, though he didn't have to deal with her clingy personality anymore. Furthermore, he couldn't tell the council that Lucian had retrieved all the mask pieces; otherwise they would be suspicious of how he knew the information. They would question why he didn't bring this to them sooner, so that they could stop Lucian in the process. It would be made evident that Rezin was trying to reclaim the mask pieces for himself. Thus Rezin would have to find another informant, who was allowed to view the council meetings. Other council members had children as well, meaning that he would have to convince one of them to be his new messenger, though he couldn't use his dream ability on them, since the council would notice almost immediately. Somehow he would gain information to what was occurring, since the council rarely told him anything. The only information he ever received was with regards to whom the council wanted him to assassinate next.

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