Playing with Diamond Eyes

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  In the center of the chamber appeared a being with a grey wispy tattered robe that blew in the nonexistent wind. The creature was currently turned away from you, but you could make out the faded grey flames, which rested on top of its head. There were no legs on the being, as it floated in mid-air, making its strange clicking sound. Its arms were long and skinny. Slowly, the creature began to turn around slowly. When it was completely facing both Lucian and you, you could make out the details of its face. Instead of eyes, the being had two empty eye sockets in the shape of diamonds. A long thin grey nose hung from its face while a thin shriveled mouth let out a raspy breath.

Holding its arms up to its chest, it floated towards the two of you. Your breath caught in your throat, as terror began to pull at your mind. You found yourself wanting to run away, but Lucian kept you in place. Not a second later was the creature right in front of you. As your (e/c) eyes widened in horror, it brought its right bony hand upwards. Keeping it in suspension above your head, its diamond shaped eye sockets stared at you intensely. Biting your cheek to keep yourself from screaming, you waited to see what it would do. Even though you were terrified, you didn't dare close your eyes; you only blinked.

(A/N: warning: this paragraph has a couple of gruesome descriptions, so skip if sensitive) A few minutes passed before it finally brought its hand back down. Though, what you saw next made you want to let out a deafening scream. In place of the strange being, were your two friends Hannah and Annalisa. Though, they weren't exactly themselves. Both lay on the cold stone floor of the cave chamber. Their bodies were almost unrecognizable due to the various cuts and injuries on their bodies. Blood soaked hair surrounded their lifeless faces, while blood oozed out of multiple wounds, forming a pool of blood in the center of the cave. Hannah was missing her left eye while her cracked head and skull allowed her smashed brains to leak out. Annalisa had her chest cavity wide open, permitting her insides to spill out onto the floor. Tears threatened the corners of your eyes, while you suddenly had the urge to vomit. You wanted to close your eyes so badly, but you feared what would happen if you did. No matter how much you wanted to turn away and cry out, you couldn't.

You could feel blood enter your mouth, as you bit your cheek harder than normal. Though, you endured it, hoping that the scene before you would end. Your wish was soon granted, as the bodies of your friends vanished and the strange being reappeared. Before you had time to react, it rested its hands on your shoulders. Almost instantly, you felt extremely cold. All the blood in your body seemed to freeze for a moment in time, as only the empty eye sockets of the creature filled your vision. With your chest rising and falling in a quiet rhythm, you looked into the diamond voids. Only darkness peered back at you and soon you found yourself getting lost in the darkness.

For some reason you desired to walk forward and welcome the darkness, but you knew that the creature was trying to get you to move if only a little. Pushing back the darkness, you blinked once more and the creature started to float backwards, breaking its gaze with you. When it reached the center of the cave again, its thin lips curled into a smile. It brought its left index finger up to its lips. A blast of cold air rushed through the chamber while the creature's robes flew around its figure perfectly. Once the wind stopped, the creature flew backwards into the opening on the other side of the chamber, holding its arms out in a welcoming manner. Reaching the opening, it disappeared. You knew better than to think it gone and so you remained in Lucian's hold.

Seconds ticked away while the two of you waited for something more to happen. As if on cue, the creature reappeared right in front of you. Its mouth opened, as a raspy breath escaped its lips. Though, its mouth was open, nothing came out; there was only silence. The empty sockets analyzed you once more before the being clapped its hands together. A thundering sound echoed through the chamber while the clicking sound continued. As the creature began to fade, the clicking grew more and more quiet. At last when the clicking halted, Lucian's grip on you loosened until he let you go completely.

His expression was unreadable, as you glanced up at him. For a moment you almost thought you saw a pained look cross his eyes, but it disappeared just as you noticed it. He must have seen something dreadful as well, but you kept your curiosity at bay. When his purple gaze met yours, he gave you a small smile.

"Are you ready to go forward?"

"Yeah, I want to be rid of this chamber," you stated, still seeing that image of your friends' dead bodies.

Nodding in response, Lucian walked towards the opening on the other side of the chamber with you following him. You clutched at the jacket on your shoulders still feeling an unnatural chill in the air. Your mind kept going back to that image of your friends and you stopped in your tracks. With your legs trembling, you fell to your knees. In your mind, you knew that the image was just an illusion, but it still pained you greatly. Questions pounded in your head. What were they doing right now? Where were they? They would never wonder about your whereabouts or your well being because they had forgotten you, but you hadn't forgotten them. To you, they still meant a lot and seeing them gruesomely killed only made things worse. As you were lost in thought, you didn't notice the tears that fell from your face onto the stone ground below. No sobs escaped your lips, as your crying remained silent.

Lucian noticed that you weren't following him and turned around to see your hunched over form. He saw the tears that streamed down your face. With no hesitation, he walked over to you and knelt in front of you. Placing his hands gently on your face, he wiped away your tears. You tried to look away from him, but he held you in place. The last thing you wanted was to let Lucian see you cry, but you couldn't help it. That image triggered all the sorrow that was in your heart. Holding the jacket up to your face, you tried to cover your tears, but Lucian pulled it back down.

"My pet, there's no reason to hide your tears from me. I know that you saw something dreadful."

"Yes, but you saw something horrible as well and you're not crying."

"I've already witnessed that image before," he stated with a dark look in his eyes.

Looking downwards, you only mumbled an, "Oh."

Before you could recover yourself, you felt Lucian pull you into him. Your head rested against his chest and you felt a light blush cover your cheeks. He stoked your (h/c) hair, as he rested his head on top of yours. Surprisingly, you found yourself gripping his shirt, as your tears fell silently onto his pants. Some minutes passed before Lucian pulled you up with him. Now standing, he lifted your chin upwards and gave you a reassuring smile.

"Now are you ready to proceed forward?"

As you were about to answer, you noticed Lucian's face inching closer to your own. With your cheeks turning a darker shade of pink, you quickly pushed away from him and continued down the path, wiping away your few remaining tears. While your form disappeared down the walkway, Lucian stood still and blinked a couple of times before turning to look at your distant form. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his long raven black hair. His eyes darkened, as he followed your movement. He wanted to restrain your retreating form, but he pushed that feeling down; the mask was his priority, but sooner or later he would have you. Letting out another sigh, he caught up to you.

Seeing Lucian walking beside you, you blushed lightly before regaining your composure. Though, you kept your focus in front of you. Squinting a little, you saw an archway in the distance. Glowing crystals surrounded it, as a wall of light green and pale blue blocked the path beyond. The rock color changed from a stone grey to an earthy brown. Your heartbeat quickened, as you knew you were approaching the barrier. Soon it would only be just you.

Entering the room with the barrier, you went to step forward, but the ground below you started to shake. Lucian quickly grabbed your right wrist and set the pouch that the brown-haired doll had given him into your right hand.

"This contains your light source and weapon in case you need to defend yourself. Now go through the barrier quickly," he stated, his voice screaming urgency.

The ground shook more and you wanted to ask him what was coming, but seeing the seriousness in his eyes, you nodded and ran for the barrier. Several times you almost fell to the floor, but you kept your balance and made it to the barrier. Summoning up all your courage, you closed your eyes and ran into the barrier. It felt like running under a rushing waterfall, and you half expected to find yourself soaking wet. However, when you opened your eyes, you were completely dry. Moreover, you were unharmed and were now on the other side of the barrier. The path in front of you was outlaid with the same crystals that surrounded the archway. Furthermore, the ground was no longer shaking and you couldn't help, but look back at the room behind you where Lucian remained.

Your (e/c) eyes widened. Back in the room with Lucian stood a creature of terrifying size. It stood on four legs and resembled a tiger, but only ten times bigger. Likewise, its pelt was colored grey while the stripes were transparent. Its eyes were transparent as well, giving it a ghost like appearance. You saw it open its jaws, revealing a large pink tongue that had a mouth of its own. Personally, you were glad that you didn't have to fight it, but part of you wanted to run back across the barrier and help Lucian. Though, what could you do against that thing? Knowing there was little you could do against the creature; you turned your back on the scene and continued down the path leading to the mask piece. If there was anything you could do, it would be to retrieve the mask. The sooner you attained the mask piece, the sooner you could leave this awful cave.  

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