Lost and Living Plastic

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Lucian never mentioned how long he was going to be sleeping for and so you assumed that he would find you when he was going to make the dolls. Leaning back in your chair, you crossed your arms across your chest and debated on what to do. You heard dishes being set on top of each other and wondered if Nafera would want to play another game of cards or perhaps something different, but then you remembered her saying that she would be busy all day cleaning the mansion. Not wanting to read, you decided to just go visit Pastel, since you would have to go to the potions room later anyway.

Getting out of your chair, you pushed it back in and left the dining room. Once in the foyer, you looked at the places where the statues used to be. There were no longer cherubs and a woman in the entrance hall. In the cherubs' place were just four candelabras standing on their own. As for the woman she was replaced by a statue of a Pegasus whose wings were filled with various lights. You knew that Lucian had placed the Pegasus there, since you had admired the one in the sky. It was a thoughtful gesture, but part of you wished that there was no statue in the entrance hall, since you were constantly worried of it coming to life. This would now be impossible due to the barriers unless Lucian made the statue come alive, but still the idea of it attacking you remained in your head. Thus you quickly made your way through the foyer and went to the potions room.

Putting in the right combination of gemstones, you allowed the door to open. Going inside, you were surprised to find the nezati not on the small stone round table. Closing the door behind you, you searched the room for the small pale pink animal. Now at the back of the room, you reached the last shelf filled with books, potions and other various objects, however you saw that there was a space behind the shelf. Peeking around the shelf, you saw a simple wooden door along with a plain wooden rectangular table across from you. A square window at the top of the wall let in a stream of light from the outside. You smiled lightly at seeing the nezati on top of the table, sleeping in a miniature wooden four-post bed, which seemed to be specifically designed for the creature. Pale blue sheets covered Pastel, as he nuzzled into the pale blue pillows.

Walking over to the table, you noticed that there was a miniature wooden door in the wall behind the table. Curious, you opened the door, finding that it led outside. Well at least Pastel had a way to go outside easily. Closing the door, you stood back up and turned your attention to the other door. Going over to it, you rested your right hand on the doorknob. Turning the knob, you found that it was locked. Not having access to the room, you looked back over at Pastel. You didn't want to wake him up, so you decided to just look around the room, since you never got the chance to look at all the different potions before.

Picking a random shelf, you scanned over the potions and found one that intrigued you. Pushing other bottles aside, you picked the bottle up.There was no name on the bottle; rather it merely had the picture of someone's head on it. The intriguing part was that the person's hair in the picture kept changing color. You easily guessed that it was a hair color potion due to the picture and tried to imagine Lucian with different colored hair, though every time you pictured a different color, you found that Lucian could probably pull it off.

"Hmm, maybe I should secretly give him this one day and see if he really could pull off any color," you mumbled to yourself.

"What do you mean, Miss _____?"

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