Complying Unexpectedly

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Lucian, what do you think that you're doing," you questioned, as you tried to cling to your chair.

"You're finished with dinner, so you must be tired."

"Well, I am, but I can get out of my chair on my own."

He merely ignored you and continued to lift you out of your chair until you were in his arms bridal style. As he smirked at you, he began to walk out of the dining room. Once in the foyer, he proceeded to walk up the stairs and head to his room. You attempted to free yourself from his grip, but he just pressed you closer to him. The rings on his fingers pressed into your skin as well, which hurt slightly, but he didn't loosen his grip on you. When he entered the main part of his room, he set you down on the bed. Going over to the wooden three drawer dresser between two of the paned windows, he opened the top drawer. Curious, you tried to see what he was pulling out. From your view you couldn't see, though soon he stood in front of you with a long red shirt in his hands while holding it out for you to take.

"What do you want me to do with that?"

"Surely, you don't intend to sleep in that dress?"

"I guess that you're right, but can't I go up to my room and change into my own clothes?"

"Hmm, you could, but I think that you'll find this much more comfortable."

"Oh really? I'm not just wearing a shirt, Lucian. At least give me some pants to wear as well if you're not going to let me wear my own clothes."

"I don't think that any of my pants would fit you. Besides, this shirt is quite long."

Crossing your arms across your chest, you stared up at him determined to have your way. You may have admitted your feelings, but that didn't mean you would allow him to take advantage of you. Seeing the look on your face, he sighed before setting the shirt down on your lap. Returning back to his dresser, he searched in the bottom-most drawer before pulling out a pair of pants.

Now back in front of you, he stated, "These were from when I was younger; they should fit."

Nodding your head you took the pants from him before standing up from the bed and heading to the bathroom with the shirt in hand as well. Opening and closing the door behind you, you locked it. Staring in front of you, you were a little shocked to the see the luxury bathroom in front of you. This bathroom made your own bathroom look pathetic in comparison. A purplish-beige tile ran throughout the bathroom, covering both the floor and walls. Beige columns were on both sides of the walls while silver side tables had gold vases on top of them filled with fresh flowers. Hanging golden light fixtures with glass coverings along with recessed lights illuminated the bathroom. Two crystal bowl sinks sat on a white granite counter while two silver towel racks had diamond patterned towels. Various vases were on the counter top with one of them holding fresh red tulips. By the sink was a gold cushioned stool. Moreover, two detailed gold mirrors reflected the bathroom in their glass. There was a shower on the left side and a bathtub along with a toilet on the right side.

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