Discussion over Tea

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  Thinking that it would take Lucian awhile to deal with Rayna and her parents, you decided to get a relaxing shower and change into some comfortable pajamas for the evening. As you pulled your dark blue dress off with long lace sleeves, you could see the various bruises on your torso that the piece of fabric once covered. Each bruise had that sickening purplish-blue tint to it, and you could feel the pain from each one as you turned your body slightly. Furthermore, scratches covered your arms and legs while your feet were sore from walking barefoot through the forest. Small cuts seemed to cover your feet and it felt like you had just walked on rocks for an hour. Running your fingers through your (h/c) hair, you took off your undergarments and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt amazing on your sore body and was like heaven in comparison to the freezing water where the mask piece was located.

Finishing with your shower, you stepped out and pulled on your new undergarments before wearing soft flannel black pajama pants and a matching flannel shirt. Both the pants and the shirt had red lace on the perimeters of the pockets. Placing some black plush slippers on your feet, you headed out of the bathroom, seeing Nafera sitting on your bed with the tumbleroll on her lap. Instead of sitting on the bed, you seemed to collapse onto it. Lying on your back, you looked over at the tumbleroll before scratching behind its ears. It emitted a low humming sound in satisfaction while its wide eyes blinked in contentment.

"Don't you think we should give it a name?"

"That's probably a good idea; why don't you give it one, Nafera?"

"How about Faye?"

"Yeah, I like it, though; I think the tumbleroll likes it more," you stated, staring at the ball of fluff that seemed to grin at hearing its name.

"Well now that we have that covered, how about I make you some tea. You seem rather exhausted, ____."

"You couldn't be more correct. I'm never going through that funhouse of traps again," you uttered, spreading your limbs out like you were about to make a snow angel.

Laughing lightly at your statement as well as your current position, Nafera stood up with the tumbleroll in her arms and began walking down to the dining room. You followed her down the steps to the second floor and eventually down the steps in the foyer. Tea really did sound nice at the moment and maybe it might wake you up some, for your feet were practically dragging themselves across the tile. At least you now had the welcoming softness of your slippers on your sore feet rather than the forest floor of Calalannia Woods. Thus as you entered the dining room, you headed straight for your chair and sat down almost immediately, as you slouched over and rested your head in your arms. Personally, you desired to sleep right then and there, but Rezin was still alive and could very easily mess up your previous success if you weren't careful. Nafera headed into the kitchen with the tumbleroll and began making your tea, which you hoped would be something relaxing.

As you played with a nearby empty silver goblet while you waited for your tea, you didn't notice two arms wrapping around your waist. Startled, you jumped slightly, much to the amusement of Lucian. You wanted to slap the smirk off of his face, but you calmed yourself and just sighed. Soon he released his grip on you after giving you a quick kiss on the top of your head and sitting down in his own chair.

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