Now or Never

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend to put the video on loop.


Each step forward on the dark tiled floor echoed around the room while your breathing seemed to be only an instrument to propel you forward. The portraits on the walls seemed to watch the scene with undying attention, their eyes following your every move. Some doubted your advance, claiming you to be a foolish child, while others encouraged you to their fullest. A bet began over who would live and who would die. Even the small detailed animals in the pictures of breathtaking landscapes turned their heads to look at you. Deer stopped eating the fresh grass, fish froze in the streams and birds hovered in the sky, so that they could all watch the unfolding scene. It was as if you had turned into the painting and they had become the viewers. You were watched from all sides by silent spectators, who were as still as the ground beneath your feet.

Regulus's brown orbs only slowly realized the threat before him. Lucian shouted at you to stop, but his voice didn't seem to reach your ears. Only the ticking of your heartbeat reached your ears, as well as the heartbeat of your opponent. You could almost imagine the grandfather clock in the corner, its pendulum ticking away the seconds before you reached the enemy before you. The minute hand moved, landing on the twelve. Despite the fact that this clock was nonexistent, you could almost hear the ringing sound go throughout the room, as the clock struck the next hour.

Five feet, four feet, then three feet were left before you thrust your sword forward into the turning man. Shock ran through his eyes, as the sword penetrated through his flesh. Life left his face slowly, as crimson blood dripped down his lips and onto the floor below. His eyes scanned over your face before a smirk graced his lips and he fell to the floor in a pile of ashes due to the flames on the sword having scorched his skin to near nothingness. At first you didn't understand the smirk that painted his features, but feeling a pain in your left shoulder, you turned your head slowly and saw the source. The ice sword was lodged in your skin, but you quickly removed it, seeing the frost start to spread on your skin. Pulling it out in a fluid motion, you threw it across the room while you felt blood escape from the wound. Hearing your name being called, you looked over at Lucian while your eyelids seemed to droop.

A small smile became apparent on your features before you felt your knees give way. Lucian forced his legs to work, allowing him to move forward. Catching you, you felt your head rest against his chest and out of the corner of your eye you saw the mask a few feet from you. You grew dizzier as the seconds passed, having lost too much blood for your own good. The purple-eyed male tried to keep you awake, to keep you from falling asleep, but your (e/c) eyes wouldn't remain open. Before you lost consciousness, you felt the soft fabric of Lucian's shirt before it got stained by your blood.

You didn't feel any pain when your eyes closed, rather it felt like you had fallen off of a cliff and the wind was now blowing past you in a gentle way. Soon your back collided with water, though no impact was felt, as the water splashed around you, sending droplets of crystal like substance into the air. Sinking into the depths of the surface, you felt the welcoming substance wrap around your form like silk. Even as you went deeper into the depths, the light never faded, but remained constant until your eyes closed.

Lucian tried to wake you up, as he held your limp form in his arms. Utilizing the last of his strength, he picked up the mask and took you through a portal. He could only manage to open one to the entrance hall of the castle. Standing by the stairs, he gazed upon a scene he thought he could only hope for. Before him were thirty mages from outside. They surrounded the remaining council members and their children, which totaled to nine individuals. When he appeared, they turned their heads in his direction. He would have healed you, but he didn't have the strength to do so. Calling out to them, he ordered for medical assistance immediately. Their eyes flashed over to your unconscious form and soon one of them left the circle. Rushing over to your form, she went to take your form from Lucian, but he kept his arms on you. She told him that he would have to let go, for her to take care of you properly.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now