Recovering the Forgotten

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  Not a second later, the child moved a step backwards and the mask appeared once more under the crystal. Puzzled, you turned around to face the child, but they were now standing right in front of you; their face inches from yours. Startled, you fell backwards, but you managed to support yourself upwards with both of your hands. As the child stared at you, you glanced back in fear. They were made out of the same material as the crystals that surrounded you, making your needle sword useless. Your eyes darted around the area, as panic began to take over you. Taking a step towards you, the child swung their tail more while the mask disappeared.

Seeing the mask vanish once more, a light bulb seemed to go off in your mind. 'No it couldn't be' you thought to yourself, staring up at the child. Summoning all your courage, you stood back up. Standing your ground, you towered over the child's intimidating form. The child noticing the determined look in your eyes stopped their movement.

"I've decided that I'm not going to retrieve the mask from the bottom of the crystal," you stated, waiting for the child's reaction.

"Oh, so you'll stay with me until you die. Company is so nice."

"That's not what I meant. Instead, I'm taking you with me."

Your exclamation rung through the child's crystal ears and a strange look crossed their face. Silence dominated the chamber, each second ticking by without any hesitation. As if your statement finally sunk in, the child suddenly ran at you. Before you could react, they pinned you to the ground. The sharp point of their tale hovered dangerously over your throat, ready to strike within a moment's notice. Though, pushing your fear to back of your head, you stared up bravely into the child's eyes.

"You think you can take me back. I will not belong to some master who's too weak to protect me. I'm free here and I think your corpse will make good company."

"How are you free if you're imprisoning yourself within these small confines? Don't you want live company? Wouldn't you like to have a proper home again? Surely you desire to return to the world outside of this cave."

"I've tried to cross the barrier. Don't consider me stupid, human."

"I can cross the barrier."

The child seemed to consider this. Their ruby red eyes flashed in contemplation while their tail slowly drew back from its place over your neck. You could feel the fear seeping into your mind, not knowing whether the child would kill you or spare you. There was no weapon you could utilize, so everything was left to your reasoning with the child.

"Hmm, that might work. However, if it doesn't work you will remain here forever with me."

Nodding in response, you watched as they got off of you. Standing up, you followed the child out of the chamber and back into the darkness. Though, to your surprise the child's crystal skin now shone brightly in the dark part of the tunnel. Letting the light of the child guide you, you soon made it into the lighter part of the tunnel, noticing all the fallen crystals from before. You even noticed the one that still wore your blood on its solid form. Your arm was still in pain, but you would have to wait to give it better attention. The two of you pressed on and soon saw the barrier.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now