The Perfect Picture for a Garden

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


After a few minutes, you tried to have Lucian rest a little longer, but he protested, saying that the council members could storm the library at any time. Getting up, he opened another portal with you following after him. Once out of the portal, you found yourself standing in a field of bluebells while silver birch trees grew around you. A cobblestone path swept through the fields of flowers and you could hear the sound of water up ahead. Despite the convenience of the path, the two of you traveled through the fields of flowers. You could hear two voices conversing with each other, both which sounded female. Squinting, you could make out the figures and maneuver around in such a way that you could sneak attack one of them before your cover was blown, however since you had Lucian with you as well he could sneak kill the other one. As for the one creating the barrier, you recognized the combed-back golden blonde hair and knew that it was Lord Luciel. He foolishly had his back turned towards you two.

You took the female council member on your left while Lucian took the one on the right. Quietly, you approached the woman, who wore too much jewelry for her own good. As she laughed at the other woman's comment, her jewelry jingled along in a most annoying manner. Now just a few inches behind you, you swiftly stabbed her in the chest, sending her to the cobblestone covered ground while the stone fountain sounded in the background. Before the other woman could act, Lucian had already killed her. When Lucian went to attack Lord Luciel, he seemed to vanish before you felt an arm wrap around your waist while another arm was at your throat. The flame sword was forced out of your hand before being thrown to the other side of the fountain. You could feel the man's breath on your right ear and you felt yourself tense, as Lucian glared at the man now behind you.

"Now Lucian, here's the deal. You kill yourself and I'll let the little hybrid watch, though if you do this I will spare her life. I'm sure that Regulus will have some uses for her," he stated with a smirk on his face, as you felt something sharp and cold press against your skin.

Cursing mentally, you saw Lucian glance at you and you shook your head to the best of your ability. You had to do something, for you two were so close to being rid of this battle. There was only one more location after this and then you could leave the castle and have the aid of the other mages. Not knowing what else to do, you leaned your head down just a little, allowing the blade to press slightly more into your skin. Wincing at the contact a little bit, you opened your mouth and bit into Lord Luciel's hand as hard as you could. Caught off guard by your action, he released his grip on you, permitting you to turn and knee him in the stomach. This caused him to fall to his knees, giving you the perfect chance to perform an uppercut. Your right fist collided with his face before you created some distance between the two of you. Taking the opportunity presented to him, Lucian summoned another ice spear and sent it through the man's back while a flash of light went throughout the gardens. As the man fell to the floor dead, you retrieved your sword before rubbing your right hand a bit, though you were quite proud of the combo you just performed. Sitting on the edge of the fountain, you took a quick breather before seeing Lucian coming over to you. He knelt in front of you, placing his right fingers under your chin and lifting your head just a bit.

A look of displeasure crossed his features before saying, "You have a slight cut on your neck."

You winced when he drew his left index finger over the cut before it healed. Standing up, he held his hand out for you to take. Placing your hand in his, you let him lead you into the next portal. Once again the scenery changed, gracing you with the sight of tall crimson red doors, which were surrounded by golden walls. Two eight foot gold statues stood besides the doors. Grabbing one of the gold door handles, Lucian pulled open the left door, unveiling a hall of paintings, which were highlighted by massive gold chandeliers. Scenes of majestic mountain ranges, roaring streams, and ancient forests that hid ruins came into view. Along with the images of nature's might were the portraits of people, who were dressed in the finest fabrics. Instead of seeing crowns upon their heads, you saw the mask you were wearing on their faces. Your fingers lightly traced over the mask that was still on your face. So these were Lucian's ancestors. Some of them even shared his distinct purple eyes and raven black hair.

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