Step into the Fog

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A/N: I would recommend putting the song on loop since it's short. 


Soon the fog surrounded you, preventing you from seeing Hannah, though her voice still rang down the street. You wanted to wake up and escape this place, so you tried pinching yourself, but again nothing happened. Why couldn't you wake up? This place was within your own mind, so you should be able to control your ability to wake up, yet you lacked all authority.

Hannah's frightening voice sounded closer, interrupting your attempts to wake yourself up. Glancing around you, you tried to search for any building structure. When you caught sight of a gas station, you ran for it. Maybe there would be something that could help you defend against Hannah. You didn't want to attack her, but she was leaving you very little choice.

Reaching the doors of the gas station, you pulled them open. Just as you slammed them shut, you saw Hannah emerge from the fog. She wore a wicked grin, but what disturbed you more was the fact that her head seemed rather loose. It leaned side to side at impossible angles and it made you sick. Quickly you locked the doors before you turned around and pulled whatever objects were near and barred the doors. Banging on the door, Hannah continued to smile.

"Oh _____, I only want to take you to Annalisa's house. Don't you want to go and stay there forever? We can have tea everyday. Oh, please come out ____".

Getting more and more disturbed by the second, you backed away before proceeding to the back room. You noticed the back door and quickly locked it before barring it as well. Soon you heard banging on the back door. Hannah's voice sounded on the other side. At the current moment you didn't need a weapon due to both doors being blocked. Glad that you had thoroughly barricaded the door, you went back into the main part of the store and tried to figure out what to do. This opportunity was not allowed to you though, because of a loud smashing sound that came from the back room. Turning around, you saw Hannah standing in the doorway.

"You can't keep me away for long _____. Now let's go visit Annalisa."

"No, now leave me alone. This is my mind and I won't let a nightmare taint the image of my friends."

"But I'm more than a nightmare _____ and soon your mind will be mine," Hannah stated, her eyes now changing to an all too familiar color.

Pale green orbs stared back at you. Feeling your body freeze in place, you looked back at Hannah, or rather the person who was trying to contact you from before. Knowing this, you scanned the store for anything. The closest object to you was a rack with sunglasses on it. Glancing between the green eyed individual, the rack and the windows, you knew that your only way of escape would be to jump out the windows. There would be no time to move the objects that were now in front of the doors; the person would probably strike you before you could even move one of the shelves filled with candy. As they walked towards you another option came into mind. They had formed a hole in the door in the backroom; you could escape through that.

With this idea sounding better than trying to break the windows, you knocked down the sunglasses rack and ran around one of the small aisles. The green-eyed individual went to grab for you, but missed, allowing you to reach the backroom. Seeing a large hole in the door and the furniture that was barricading the door broken to pieces, you jumped through the hole. Back out in the foggy environment, you went back onto the street, since a ten foot wall stood at the back of the gas station. Not being able to see too far in front of you, you just ran down the road. You didn't dare look back, but you knew that the green-eyed individual was following you. This was made clear when you heard someone running behind you.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now