Eye of Entrapment

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  Back out in the foyer, the doors to the dining room slammed shut, making you jump slightly. You could tell that Lucian was still angered by Rayna's presence. He made little sound as he walked forward towards the stairs in the foyer. His black coat flowed around his white peasant shirt while his boots covered part of his black pants. The silence was getting to you as was curiosity. Taking a deep breath, you exhaled before you put words to your lips.

"So I take it that the Lady Luciel thinks there's a relationship between you two," you asked, slightly concerned that you would only anger him further, but your curiosity got the better of you.

He halted his movement before turning to look at you. His purple eyes flashed for a second before he let out a sigh. Combing his fingers through his hair, he leaned against the railing of the stairwell.

"She's a nuisance. She thinks that I wish to marry her."

"Where did she get that impression if it's obvious that you despise her?"

"Ah, my pet I usually don't give that impression. I work with her parents on the mage council, so I have to keep in good company with them. In order to do that I must put on an act. Unfortunately, that means that I have to be respectful towards their daughter. Lady Luciel has greatly misunderstood the attention that I give her, which is very little to begin with. If I could, I would kill her in an instance, but that wouldn't sit too well with the council or her parents for that matter. Now, let's attend to your room."

You nodded in response and trailed behind him, as he led the way to your room. Traveling up the stairs, the two of you soon came up to your room's grey-blue door. He opened the door and stood aside, allowing you to walk in first. Dried red rose petals crunched under your feet, as you glanced upon the familiar space. Your eyes fell on the broken mirror while light from the various windows reflected off its surface. Lucian noticed your eyes fixed on the mirror and a smile graced his lips.

"Would you like me to repair that mirror for you first, my pet?"

"Well actually, I just want to know why it has some otherworldly glow to it."

"Of course. It's an enchanted mirror. It allows the user to change their appearance to whatever they desire."

"How'd it end up in that condition?"

A visible frown appeared on Lucian's face, as he made his way over to the glass object. He picked up a shard of glass before stabbing the shard into a nearby book.

"You can thank Lady Luciel for all the damage done in this room. It was my turn to host a meeting at my house for the mage council. You see twice a year the mage council holds dinner meetings. The duty of host passes on from one member to the next each time one of these dinners comes around. Thus that evening the Luciels also brought over their daughter. The meeting itself passed without any trouble. Though, the Luciels stayed behind. Their daughter insisted on staying the evening. When I denied her request, she ran past me and ran onto the upper level of my home. She managed to make it into this room. I remember her obnoxious giggling, as she twirled around in here. Of course I attempted to reason with her again, saying that she could not spend the evening at my mansion. At that moment she broke into a rage and caused the damage that you see before you".

"I presume she left afterwards."

"Indeed she did, which I was quite grateful for."

"Why didn't you fix the room earlier?"

"I saw no need to. No one was staying in this room. However, that has now changed."

Not a second later, Lucian snapped his fingers twice. Rose petals flew up into the air while glass shards hovered as well. Two large vases formed by the door while roses filled them, not leaving any gaps behind. Furniture repaired itself, restoring each piece to its former glory. Spider webs vanished, as dust disappeared completely. Empty picture frames were soon filled with oil paintings of forests and castles. Moreover, the mirror reclaimed its separated shards and gathered them all back into one piece. With the mirror fully repaired, it shined more magnificently than before. Likewise, the picture frames that held roses inside were restored as well. You stared in awe at the fixed room, which shone in an enchanting light.

"Now while I'm here is there anything you would like to add or remove?"

"Maybe remove the bear rug. I find it rather disturbing."

He merely nodded his head before resting the top of his right hand on the rug. Within an instant, it vanished into thin air, leaving not a single trace behind.

"Anything else my pet?"

"Not at the moment."

"Well, then I suggest you get some sleep. It is one in the morning after all."

"You do realize that I just got up only about an hour ago. Why not just discuss your plans with me now?".

"Ah, because unlike you I haven't had much sleep these past few days. Thus I would much rather explain everything in the morning," he stated before walking over to you.

Unexpectedly, he ran his fingers through your hair, as his eyes sparkled in an undecipherable way. You blushed lightly, as you stepped back slightly. Lucian looked somewhat hurt by your action, but he quickly reclaimed the lost distance between the two of you. Your back hit the wall behind you while he towered over you.

"You know you're quite beautiful my pet. I'm rather pleased with the bargain that I made with your parents," he muttered before he picked you up unannounced.

Concern washed over you, as he headed over to the bed. However, Lucian didn't take notice of your worry, as a strange look had crossed his face. The only emotion that his face bore was that of an insane desire. You tried to push yourself out of his hold, but failed in your attempt. Before you could protest any longer, he had already made it to the bed. He set you down upon the greyish-teal sheets and lowered himself until he was kneeling in front of you. Gently, he began to take off your grey flats. As he was doing so, you thought it the perfect time to try and run away. However, when you attempted to move, you found yourself glued to the spot. You could move your head and arms, but the rest of you remained still. Standing back up, he grabbed both of your wrists with his right hand and pushed you down onto the bed. His left hand stroked your left cheek while he lowered his face to your own.

Just before his lips could touch yours, you turned your head to the side. Instead he ended up kissing your cheek. He seemed surprised by this, as his grip on your wrists loosened somewhat. You managed to free your hands, but not before his right hand pinned your right wrist back to the bed. Though, your left hand was still free. Taking the opportunity presented to you, you slapped him hard across the face. His purple eyes widened in surprise, as his left hand rose to his cheek. Getting off of you, he stepped away from you.

His gaze fixed on nothing in particular while he seemed deep in thought. Sitting up on the bed, you checked to see if you could move. To your relief you could. Just as you were about to get off the bed, Lucian grabbed your wrist.

"I will stop if that's what you desire, but first I must give you something."

"Well, I don't want it."

"You'll accept it, or I'll continue where I left off. Which do you prefer?"

"Fine, what is it?"

Seeing your cooperation, he smiled, but you caught just the slightest bit of disappointment in his gaze. You watched as he reached into his inner coat pocket and pulled out a bracelet. Before you could ask any questions about the strange looking piece of jewelry, he latched it onto your right wrist. Once it was on your wrist, Lucian released his grip on you. This allowed you to bring your wrist closer to you and examine the bracelet. Gold, copper and blue wires were wrapped each other intricately, forming the structure of the jewelry piece. Though, this is not what interested you the most. In the middle of the wires lay a brilliant blue reptilian eye. At first you were mesmerized by it, but not a second later you became greatly disturbed by it due to the blue eye moving. The eye fixed its gaze on you and stopped its movement. Witnessing this, you went to take the bracelet off, but it wouldn't budge. 'Well that's a surprise' you thought sarcastically.

"As you have just discovered, the bracelet won't come off. It will prevent you from exiting this mansion without my permission. Moreover, it will tell me where you are at all times. I do hope you like it."

"And, how am I exactly supposed to sleep with this thing on my wrist? Having wires press into your skin isn't exactly that comfortable."

"It will turn to a plush bracelet when you wish to sleep. Now, goodnight my pet," he stated before kissing the back of your right hand.

As he walked off, you heard him mumble something to himself. You were just able to make out the words.

"Next time, though, I won't be so thoughtful, my pet".  

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now