Entering the Dance of the Mage

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

Passing through the colorless space, you didn't notice that you had tightened your grip on Lucian. You were nervous and you could feel your heartbeat quicken at the thought of coming to this event. When the two of you exited the portal, Lucian placed the mask on his face and you followed in suit. Once the portal closed, you examined your surroundings and you felt yourself frozen to the spot. Before you was a marvelous pale blue and white castle, which had a vibrant green courtyard decorated with bright yellow lights in front. In the middle of the courtyard was a crystal fountain and due to the yellow lights it looked like there was liquid gold coming from the spout. Lights were wrapped around the tall Cyprus trees, cascading the area into a scene from a fairytale. White roses decorated the ground, covering the grass that covered the courtyard. Each rose had a gold center and sparkled under the bright lights. The path leading to the castle was an intricate cobblestone path and you could see carriages pulling up at the front of the castle. Adding to the magnificent scene, the sky was clear and stars shined down on the enchanting picture that lay before you.

"Are you ready?" Lucian asked, breaking you from your trance.

Not being able to hide your enchantment, you nodded and allowed him to guide you to the entrance doors. As you neared the building however, you could feel your nerves acting up once more and you found yourself casting your gaze downwards. You could hear multiple pairs of feet walking across the path up ahead and you felt as though many eyes were staring at Lucian and you. Lucian could sense your nervousness and drew you closer to him. Noticing this, you were about to protest, but you decided against it, seeing as he meant it only as a considerate gesture.

Finding the courage to glance back upwards, you did indeed see multiple pairs of eyes on you. Biting the inside of right cheek, you kept your gaze forward and ignored their curious stares. Pale blue stairs with diamonds embedded in them came into your field of vision and you instantly wanted to race up them to avoid the many eyes that were behind the masquerade masks. Lucian, obliging you, increased his pace, so that the two of you were soon inside the castle. Before you was a long hallway that looked completely different from the outside of the castle. The polished tiles shined golden and reflected the multiple Corinthian styled columns, which were also in the coloration of gold. A long crimson red rug covered the expanse of the area while multiple golden chandeliers hung above, casting the space in an impressive light. Guards in suits of red and gold lined the hallway, keeping their watchful eyes on the guests. People passed the two of you while you gazed at the sight before you. Their figures seemed insignificant in comparison to the grand architecture before you, though a voice you dreaded soon distracted you.

When you looked over to the location of the voice, you saw a brief moment of equal displeasure in Lucian's purple orbs. Approaching the two of you were the Luciels. Lord Luciel had his golden blonde hair combed back and wore a dark pink suit, which was adorned with multiple topazes. A traditional pink and gold masquerade mask covered his face. Lady Luciel had her rich forest green hair pulled back into a twisted bun and wore a crème colored floor length dress adorned with emeralds and small silver roses along the trim. On her face rested a green and silver butterfly mask.

"Ah Lucian, I see you brought the hybrid with you and you even dressed her up like one of us," he stated, eyeing you with displeasure.

Ignoring his rude comment, Lucian drew you even closer to him and replied, "Lord and Lady Luciel, I thought you two were going to arrive later this evening."

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