Secundum Insanum Mens

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Your whole body froze with fear, as you looked upon Lucian's facial expression. His eyes laced with blood lust while an insane smile tugged at his lips. When you took a step backwards, his eyes followed your every action before he covered his face with his left hand.

"My pet, I've been thinking about something. Why did I ever go through all the trouble of keeping you alive? I mean I need the mask pieces, but surely there's another way of going about it. Do you have an answer for me?" he said, his hand covering his current expression.

You couldn't produce any answer, as you felt an utter sense of dread fill you. What did that creature do to his mind?

"No reply, well no matter I have the answer. I wonder what would happen if I drank your blood. What would happen if I drank your life source? Would I be permitted to go past the barrier? It would certainly save me the trouble of having to protect a weak hybrid," he stated, now chuckling in a dark tone.

Even if his words were the cause of the monster's influence, they still pained you, they fueled your doubt. What if the monster merely brought out the darker side of Lucian? What if these were indeed his true emotions that he was hiding from you all along? You didn't know and once again a cloud of uncertainty filled your head. Though, now you knew you had to run. Lucian was slowly beginning to stand and so you retreated further into the sanatorium. If you could reach the barrier then you would be safe from Lucian. The creature could probably still go past the barrier, but at least one of your present problems would be solved. Besides you didn't know how to return Lucian back to normal; you would probably have to kill the monster. How you would accomplish that task was beyond you and so your feet pounded against the tiled floor of the sanatorium.

An insane laughter filled the hall, as Lucian exclaimed, "Ah, so you want to run, my pet. Well run all you want, but you won't make it far!"

Running for your life, you saw the door at the end of hall, as you heard Lucian's boots clicking against the floor in a slow terrifying harmony. Your hand reached for the rusty doorknob, but almost at once you felt yourself being tugged backwards. Cursing, you heard Lucian's laughter echoing down the hall. His eyes filled with amusement, he merely pulled you towards him. Looking for anything to grab onto, your eyes caught hold of an elevator. Holding onto the frame of the elevator, you managed to push one of the buttons. The force on your form only increased and just as you were about to lose your grip, the doors opened. With all your strength, you flung yourself into the elevator and pressed a random floor button.

Since you were now out of Lucian's field of vision, his pull on you ended and you heard him curse loudly. However, his anger was soon replaced by his insane laughter once more. Just as Lucian reached you, the doors closed. Though, when you thought you were safe, you heard a loud boom against the elevator. The elevator shook, sending you crashing to the floor. Groaning slightly from the impact, you found a gaping hole in the elevator doors. However, the elevator stopped on the second floor, giving you sometime to get away. Quickly picking yourself up, you exited through the hole, since the doors no longer worked.

"My pet you can't hide, or did you forget about that bracelet on your wrist," Lucian called out from the first floor.

His footsteps sounded up the stairwell and echoed into the second floor hallway. Though, he was right; he could track your every move. In a desperate attempt you tried to get the bracelet off of you, but to your displeasure it wouldn't budge. Thus you found yourself scanning for some place to run. That's when you remembered that this was the floor where you saw something running down the halls on the west wing. Taking that into consideration, you ran down the east wing, hoping you would find a way to get back down to the first floor. You would've taken the elevator back down, but it no longer worked thanks to Lucian.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now