Study Visit

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  After Lucian left, you changed into your pajamas and proceeded with your night routine. When finished, you were surprised to find yourself quite tired. Making your way over to the bed, you collapsed upon it and fell asleep. You had a dreamless sleep and awoke to the sound of your door opening. Slowly you opened your eyes, seeing the blue-haired doll from before. She turned her head in your direction, her brown eyes fixing their lifeless gaze on you.

"My master wishes for you to meet him in the study this morning. I'm here to guide you there."

You were still half asleep when the doll spoke and you could barely make out what she said. Yawning, you got out of the bed and just nodded in reply. The doll's eyes followed you, as you pressed on with your morning routine. Twenty minutes passed before you completed everything. You had changed into a simple black dress with a midnight blue lace bow on the side and slipped on some blue socks, putting your black knee high boots on afterwards. Keeping your hair down, you went over to the doll and signaled that you were ready to leave. She merely turned around and exited the room. Her plastic limbs moved in an almost robotic fashion. However, you remembered that you could have used the mirror to get ready, but it was already too late to do so. You were already dressed and such, so there was no point in using it. Following after the doll, she guided you through the mansion.

However, while you trailed behind the doll, your focus kept falling on the bracelet. The reptilian eye just disturbed you, as it followed your every movement. Lucian had mentioned that it gave away your every location, but was it also like a camera? You hoped that was not the case. Casting a glare at the piece of jewelry, you discovered that the doll had stopped moving. She stepped to the side of a grey door and motioned you to enter. Resting your hand on the metal door knob, you opened the door.

Light poured into the hallway while you gazed at the inside of the room. The study was decorated beautifully with its dark green floral patterned walls and elaborate wall trims. Matching curtains hung at the side of the paned rectangular window. A wooden desk and chair with a red cushion sat in front of the window. Bookshelves filled with old and new texts lined the one wall, but left room for a marble fireplace that rested between the shelves. Red and floral patterned blue chairs surrounded the fireplace while a small rectangular wooden table rested in the middle of the seating arrangements. Various busts and paintings of figureheads were scattered around the study. However, you didn't see Lucian at all, yet he asked you to meet him here.

Turning to face the doll, you found that she was no longer there. Seeing the doll gone, you sighed and stepped further into the room. Closing the door behind you, you stepped onto the red and blue carpet. You eyed the liquid in the crystal decanter, which rested on the wooden round table. It looked like some sort of alcohol, but something seemed off about it. Curious, you poured some of the liquid into one of the nearby crystal goblets. Picking up the glass, you examined the liquid inside more closely.

"If you're wondering that's cranberry juice mixed with rabbit's blood and whiskey. It acts as a replacement to coffee. However, it's incredibly sweet and has quite a kick to it."

Startled by Lucian's voice, you almost dropped the goblet. However, you managed to set it back on the table. You glanced at the drink and instantly became sickened by it. How could anyone mix rabbit's blood in with their drink? Turning away from the drink, you looked over at Lucian, who had a black peasant shirt and grey pants on. Black riding boots covered his feet while a purple jacket with golden embroidery hung loosely at his shoulders. He walked over to the drink you set down and picked it up in his right hand. Making his way over to the small floral patterned sofa, he sat and took a sip of the drink. He noticed the disgusted look you gave him and only smirked in reply.

"My pet, don't judge until you have had at least a sip."

"Frankly, I don't want to try a sip," you stated.

"Well then please don't look so disgusted. Now come and sit, we have plans to discuss."

Sitting in the red chair on the right side of the sofa, you rested your head in the palm of your right hand and waited for Lucian to start discussing his plans. He took another sip of the drink before setting it down on the rectangular table. Leaning back on the sofa, he made himself comfortable before fixing his purple gaze on you.

"Well as I stated before, you have the power to cross barriers that most cannot even touch. Thus I need you to enter these barriers for me. However, there are only three barriers, which you must enter. These three guard the pieces of a most important mask, a mask that is rightfully mine."

"And what exactly does this mask do?"

"It grants the owner power over the mage council."

"So you're trying to overthrow the council, which you're apart of?"

"Exactly. My colleagues have messed with the political system too much already. Frankly, I'm quite tired of their behind the scene dealings, which have cost me greatly."

"You're acting as if they're all out to get you."

"They are. I'm the only one left, who believes in some of the traditional values. They're trying to get me to surrender my ideals or root me out permanently. I cannot tell you how many times I've had to deal with assassins. I'm sick of it and something must be done."

"I guess I really don't have a choice in this matter."

"No, you don't. So today we're going to retrieve the first piece of the mask. After some breakfast, we'll head out."

"So where is the first location?"

"Below the forest surrounding this mansion. I bought this mansion for several reasons. One of those being that part of the mask is nearby. Anyway the mask is in a cave below the forest, which I will be able to enter with you. However, I can only go so far into the cave. After a certain point, you will have to travel forward on your own. Sadly, I do not know what obstacles lay past that point."

"Wait, so you're just going to make me go into unknown territory where monsters could be lying in wait. How am I supposed to defend myself? Please tell me you have something in mind, so that I just don't go walking into a death trap."

"I can provide you with a few things. Those being a weapon imbued with magic and a light source. If I could I would wait until you were well trained in combat, but that takes time. I do not have that time to spare."

"Wouldn't it be better to spend that time though? If I die then you'll be out of luck."

"Don't die then. Personally, I don't want to lose you, but I have no control over that once you go past the barrier."

"What happens if I do die? What will you do afterwards?"

"I don't want to consider that possibility. Do you have such little confidence in yourself?"

Personally, you did have very little confidence in yourself. You had no idea what would await you beyond the barrier. Furthermore, you didn't exactly train yourself in combat. Never had you expected to be thrown into an cave filled with potential monsters and magical traps. Throughout high school, you were focused on your studies and friends, preparing to enter college. Though, that was now an impossible future. Instead you now had to help a man, who you signed yourself over to. Sighing, you looked up at Lucian.

"Of course I'm not confident. I have no idea what I'm up against."

Lucian took another sip of his drink, before standing up and setting his drink back on the table. You eyed him carefully, as he approached you. He knelt in front of you and took both of your hands in his. Lightly massaging your two hands with his thumbs, his purple eyes met your (e/c) orbs. Suddenly you felt yourself getting lost in his gaze and found your body going limp. Though, your body went limp you felt every ounce of worry and stress leave. However, you quickly focused your attention away from Lucian's gaze. Feeling returned to your body and you breathed a sigh of relief. Standing up, he removed his hands from yours.

"My pet, I believe in your abilities. My confidence in you may not boost your own, but know that I expect you to return to me. There are still two pieces of the mask after the one in the forest and I intend to restore what's mine. You won't die, you'll survive."

Somehow you wish you could be as sure as Lucian, but you continued to just feel an utter sense of dread. Moreover, you knew that Lucian was keeping information from you, but you couldn't force it out of him. You would just have to wait until he was ready to tell you.

"Lucian, what was that you did just now. My body went limp. I'm pretty sure that was your doing."

"I merely calmed your nerves. It worked, didn't it?"

"Well, yes, I suppose it did."

He smiled before he grabbed hold of both of your arms and pulled you out of the chair. Releasing you, he walked over to the bookshelves and searched them. Not a second later, his fingers glided over one of the books on one of the top shelves. Removing it from the shelf, he set it into your hands. Your eyes glanced over the cover, finding no title for the book. You looked up at Lucian confused and he only smirked at your expression.

"When we get back from our trip into the forest, I want you to read that book. It will give you an overview of the magical world. I would love to explain everything to you myself, but sadly when we return I have to attend several meetings with the mage council. Moreover, I figured you would want to understand everything as soon as possible rather than waiting for me to find the time to explain it to you."

"I thought you wanted to repair the mask as quickly as possible?"

"Indeed I do, but I must not create suspicions. Surely not attending a meeting would give the council reason to suspect me of something. All meetings must be attended by council members. Missing just one insults all other members and declares strong disapproval for the political system. In other words I would be signing my own death wish."

Nodding your head in response, you were quite glad that you were not part of this council. Glancing once more at the book that now lay in your hands, you saw Lucian head for the door.

"Shall we eat some breakfast, my pet?"     

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