Not your ordinary Water

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  Fingers held your chin in place while the figure deepened the kiss. Blushing furiously, you went to push them away, but ended up falling off the swing. Though, you never hit the ground due to the person holding you up.

"You need to be more careful, my pet," Lucian stated while placing you back on the swing.

"Maybe, you shouldn't surprise kiss me then," you exclaimed, trying to make your blush go away.

"Hmm, alright next time I'll make sure you know that I'm about to kiss you," he said with a smirk painting his lips.

"That's not what I meant."

He seemed to ignore you and wrapped his arms around your waist while resting his chin on your left shoulder.

"Would you like me to push you?"

"What? Oh well, sure I guess," you muttered, knowing that would cause him to release his grip on you.

Giving you a smile, he began to push you on the swing. However, before when he caught you, you noticed that he seemed to have several tears in his clothing. They were small and barely noticeable, but they were still there. Furthermore, he had a small scratch on his cheek. Where exactly did he go today? Summoning your courage, you asked him.

"Lucian, where did you go during the day?"

"I just had to attend to some business that the council gave me. Why did you want me to stay longer? I must say having you cuddled up next to me made it hard to leave this morning."

Hearing his words sent another blush across your cheeks. Did you really cuddle next to him? Cursing your sleeping self, you merely made sure to focus your attention in front of you.

"Well, I cannot control my movement in my sleep, so don't think anything of it. Anyway, I'm curious of where you went. You do realize that there are tears in your clothes and a scratch on your face, right?" 

Now, Lucian was startled. Raising his right hand up to his cheek, he felt the scratch on his face. Cursing, he healed the wound, which caused him to stop pushing the swing. He thought he had healed all his wounds and repaired his clothes. The last thing he wanted you to know was his mission. It was humiliating and he didn't want you to think of him as the council's dog. He was more than a council member, yet the council held him back. You now looked back at him and saw his eyes narrowing. Knowing that he was angry, you tried to think of a way to change the topic.

"If you don't want to tell me that is fine. Anyway, I started reading the book you gave me. Calalannia Woods sounds like an interesting place."

Lucian sighed, grateful that you didn't press the matter and was glad to see you bringing up another topic. His gaze softening, he grabbed your right hand and pulled you off the swing. Holding both of your hands in his, he looked down at you.

"I'll take you there one day then. Those woods truly are marvelous. Though, for now would you like to see something just as beautiful?"

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now