The Illusion of the Kill

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Something in him snapped the moment you allowed those words to exit your mouth. Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed your left arm with his right hand and pulled you out of the chair. Not restraining himself, he threw you, causing you to collide with the tiled floor. You groaned in pain, as you made contact with the hard floor. There would be no doubt about bruises forming on your back later, though would there be a later for you? Lucian was currently turned away from you, as he ran his right fingers through his hair.

Managing to sit up on the ground, you watched as he walked over to one of the candelabras and blew out the candles. To your horror, he removed the candles and took the candelabra into his hands. Sore from the throw, you slowly got up and supported yourself by leaning against one of the nearby marble pillars. He stared at the item in his hands for what seemed like a minute before looking over his shoulder at you.

When he made eye contact with you, you froze in further fear, noticing the pure rage in his eyes. Swiftly he turned around and began to walk towards you, carrying the threatening object as well. You found your gaze staring at the weapon, but before you could make an attempt at a retreat, Lucian already stood right in front of you. Towering over you, you cast your gaze downwards, as you felt your hands trembling. Clinching your hands into fists so as to stop the trembling, you felt one of his hands rest on your right cheek. This contact caused you to tense further and you awaited him to plunge the candelabra into you, though this never happened.

Instead you heard him say in a voice filled with sorrow, "Why do you seem to always doubt me?"

Glancing up at him, you saw for a brief moment his eyes soften before they hardened once again. In that moment you knew that you had to run. Slapping his hand away, you darted for an exit. You didn't know this room and so you only hoped that you were running in a convenient direction. Not daring to look back, you saw ahead of you two silver double doors. Despite your back aching, you pushed yourself to reach that door. When you saw out of the corner of your eye a candelabra flying past you before spearing one of the doors, you could almost feel the anger radiating off of Lucian. Pressing yourself against the doors, you threw them open, finding yourself in a hallway, which had no illumination except for the candles that hung on the walls. Multiple plain wooden doors outlined the stone walls that seemed to go on for quite some distance. Taking the left side, you began to pound your feet against the ground, propelling yourself forward.

Hearing a door open behind you, you knew Lucian was now in the hall with you. His slow and steady steps mocked your fast paced ones that hit the ground with ferocity. Why was this happening? Did he really intend to kill you, when he still needed one mask piece? Was he giving that up just so he could vent his anger out on you? You didn't know how much longer you could run at this pace, as your chest felt like it was burning. Cursing the dress that made your retreat all the more harder, you saw the end of the hall approaching and the last door come into view. Of course when you reached it, it was locked, making you look for another escape.

Your heart pounded in your chest, as you went for another door. It was locked too, so was the next and the one following. Glancing back down the dim lit hallway, you saw Lucian's approaching form. Realization came over you, as you figured that he must have cast a spell for locking all the doors simultaneously. At this point your mind scrambled for some way out of this situation. With your hands still wrapped around a simple doorknob, an idea came to mind. Grabbing one of the candles, you held it in your hands and waited for him.

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