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A/N: As usual, I would recommend to put the video on loop.


It had been a few months, since the incident with the council, and in the past few months you wouldn't exactly call it relaxing. Lucian dissolved the council completely, and the ones that had been captured had been stripped of their power, though due to their crimes they were kept in the magic world's prison rather than being sent into the human world. Furthermore, Rezin's body was buried just like the other council members, though those who had been turned into ash were of course buried in a different manner. Thus with the council gone, Lucian and you created a new council of advisors. These individuals consisted of the people, who both Lucian and his sister had trusted. Once your advisors were selected, the paperwork started. The two of you would sit in the council hall, going over the various laws of the land and deciding whether to keep, remove, or change them. Suggestions by your advisors would be made and typically there was agreement across the board with the occasional argument.

As for the mansion, Lucian cleared it of all the belongings he chose to bring into the castle. You had a say in this as well. When the mansion was cleared of everything the two of you desired, Lucian turned it into an orphanage, which was appreciated by the current orphanage, since they currently couldn't provide much for the children. Of course Nafera, Pastel, Faye and the other two dolls came over to the castle to serve. They all adjusted to the new place rather quickly and Pastel fell in love with his new potions room while Faye enjoyed the soft blankets on your bed as well as Nafera's. Likewise, Lucian made one of the abandoned rooms in the castle into his doll room in case he ever needed to make more.

Keeping this in mind, you were finally glad to have a day to relax. After two months of tying up loose ends and adjusting to ruling over the magic community, you needed the break. Lying on your bed, which was the same one that you woke up on after the fight with the previous council, you breathed out a sigh of relief, though you looked up when the door to the room opened. Nafera came in with her deck of cards in hand. You promised her you would play cards today and you were looking quite forward to it. Sitting up in the bed, you signaled for her to come over. Seating herself across from you on the plush bed, the two of you began a game of kings in the corner.

After she went, she stated, "You know I'm surprised Lucian isn't in here with you, ____."

She was right; it was strange that he wasn't in the room with you. For the past two months, he had kept to his word and never really left your side, making the exception when you needed to get a shower and attend to your other bathroom needs. Concerning anything else, he always seemed to be a few feet away. He wouldn't be doing the same task as you, but if you were reading and he needed to work on some papers he would be sitting at a nearby desk. If you were working on a new law that was being formulated in the study, he again would be sitting somewhere in the room as well. It was frustrating, but you knew that after the incident with Regulus, he would never drop his overprotective state. Thus it was very odd to not see him in the room you two now shared.

"Yeah I know, though maybe it has something to do with the wedding tomorrow. I honestly don't know why he won't let me help with anything," you stated, placing a card down.

There was indeed a wedding tomorrow and you were extremely nervous. That was part of the reason you wanted to help with the event, so the work could distract you for a bit, though it was nice to be able to play cards with your friend. Besides Lucian insisted that you relax today and let him handle everything. In fact the only thing you had control over was what dress you were wearing.

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