Stars on the Assassin

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  You nodded and followed after Lucian, who always seemed to keep an eye on you just in case something attacked. Getting to the second floor, you were grateful that there were no statues on this level, though you felt your heartbeat increasing due to the fact that something could jump you at anytime. Up ahead you could see Nafera guarding Lucian's door in case the trespasser came out again. Lucian's door to his room was coming into view and you could see that it was slightly ajar. An eerie grey light shone into the hall, as the movement of objects could be heard. Personally, you were expecting Rezin to be more careful, since he had assassinated his own family members right under their noses. Now though, it seemed like he was a rather careless character.

Quietly opening the door further, Lucian entered his room with you following behind. The fireplace was unlit, allowing the grey light to dominate the space. With the door to the main part of the room ajar as well, you tried to peek through from your position, but Lucian soon blocked your view, as he slowly and carefully opened the door more. By now the grey light had grown stronger and the rustling of objects had increased in volume.

Glancing around Lucian, you saw a cloaked figure, going through Lucian's drawers, searching for presumably the mask pieces. They had a ball of grey light in their right hand, illuminating their surroundings further. Soon they looked up and noticed the two of you. Upon seeing the two of you, the figure immediately dropped the drawer in their hands and sent the horses on the merry-go-round at you. This action was so sudden that Lucian and you had no time to react. You managed to dodge several of the flying horses, but one scraped your cheek, sending a light trickle of blood down your skin. Lucian somehow managed to dodge the flying horses as well as knocking them to the floor, rendering them lifeless.

The cloaked figure having borrowed enough time now stood by the window. In one swift movement, they opened the window and jumped out, showing only several strands of golden blonde hair. Lucian rushed over to the window and searched for any signs of the figure. Seeing none, he closed the window and turned back to you.

"Was that Rezin? If it was, why didn't he pursue a fight?"

Frankly you were glad that they hadn't tried to attack, but their behavior seemed odd. Was he perhaps just very weak at the moment, so much so that he couldn't fight directly?

"That wasn't him. He must have someone working for him, but they were dumb enough not to pursue a fight, for by tomorrow the barriers will be fully resealed. What a coward, not coming here himself."

"Then who could that have been? Do you have any idea?"

"No, but we do know their hair color, so at my next council meeting I'll try to find more on the cloaked figure," he stated, putting his room back together with the mere wave of his hands.

Next he brought the horses back to the merry-go-round, placing them back in their proper place. His eyes lingered on the well crafted item before he averted his attention back to you.

"Does it mean something to you?" you questioned, looking at the intricate object.

"Hmm, oh well yes. My sister gave this to me when I was younger. That's why I didn't destroy any of the horses when they were flying at us."

Walking over to him, you gazed closer at the music box, "It must have been hard losing her."

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now