Messing with Creme

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Once the two of you reached the sitting portion of Lucian's room, you saw him open the door to the main part, allowing you to enter first. Yawning a little bit, you pulled back the sheets before climbing onto the left side of the bed and snuggling into the soft fabrics. Lucian found your actions rather adorable and couldn't help but smile a little bit. Before he went over to you, he picked up the sphere from the rectangular wooden table on the left side of the room. With the object now in his hands, he went over to you, signaling for you to take it. Personally, you wanted to remain still, since you were quite comfortable. Seeing that he wasn't going to move until you took the sphere, you sighed and took the sphere into your own hands.

You remembered that Lucian had tapped the top to open it and thus you tried your own hand at opening it. While making several attempts at this Lucian sat on the edge of the bed and took off his riding boots and socks. At the moment he had on a simple black jacket, deciding to remove that article of clothing as well. Leaving his beige colored peasant shirt on as well as his black pants on, he went over to the right side of the bed, sitting down and leaning against the crimson red pillows on his side of the bed. Seeing your failing attempts at opening the sphere made him chuckle slightly, causing him to take the sphere from you. It only took him one try before the sphere opened, casting the stars and moons across the entire room.

"Why did you hand me the sphere if you knew I couldn't open it?" you questioned, glaring at him a little bit.

"Hmm, you didn't have to try and unlock it. I merely gave it to you to hold onto while I took off my boots and such," he stated, smirking.

"Tch, well why did you want to open the sphere anyway?"

"Because the last time I showed you the sphere I left out a little detail."

Now curious, you motioned him to show you. Obliging you, he ran his fingers lightly over the top. Upon doing so the stars and moons began to change color from pale yellows to pale blues and purples. You watched, mesmerized by the small shapes and became even more so when the moons and stars began dancing with each other. Furthermore, a light chant echoed through the room, though you couldn't quite make out the words. It filled you with an overwhelming sense of calm and you felt yourself drifting into sleep. The many colors continued to dance around you before your vision finally turned dark, sending you into a peaceful slumber.

Having placed the barrier over your mind, Lucian drew you closer to him, as he wrapped his right arm around your waist. As he watched over you in your sleep, he let the soothing chant continue to fill the room with its mysterious tune. The miniature shapes circled around the room and highlighted your sleeping face in a beautiful way. Setting the sphere on the sheets, Lucian glided his left fingers over your right cheek gently. Soon his fingers traced over your lips and stayed there for a brief moment. Lowering his face, he moved his fingers to your chin, as he kissed you lightly on the lips. Pulling back after a few seconds, he cast his gaze back to the stars and moons, as the night carried on.

When the morning came, Lucian woke you up before stating that he had a council meeting to attend to. Furthermore, he stated that he would try to find out more about the cloaked intruder. He allowed you to leave his room and pursue whatever you wanted to do for the day. After you left, he proceeded with a quick shower and finished his morning routine, leaving to the council meeting afterwards. When he left the mansion, he wore his usual black riding boots along with a white ruffled button-up shirt. Moreover, beige pants covered his legs and a black coat with silver embroidery lay over his shoulders.

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