Sickness in Arms

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Hmm, your hand feels quite cool. Do you mind me keeping it like this?" he asked, his eyes opened partially while his cheeks were tinted a light red due to the fever.

Your cheeks became a light shade of red as well. The way he said his statement sounded slightly different from his usual tone and you had to admit that it sounded pleasing to the ears. Moreover, the sun added a perfect touch to his face, making it all the more harder to hide your growing blush.

Stuttering and trying to forget his request, you said, "You need ... to take this ... potion, so your ... fever will go ... away."

Taking the stopper off the bottle, you took the bottle in your left hand, waiting for Lucian to take it from you. He glanced at it a moment before turning his face away all while keeping your hand in his.

"You're going to have to give it me?" he uttered, as a smirk began to form on his face.

"Lucian you're fully capable of drinking this without my help. I merely had to bring it to you. Now. my part is done."

Turning his head back to face you, he replied, "Oh, didn't you hear me when I said I would take advantage of your assistance. Now what are you going to do? Are you going to let me remain sick? I wonder what consequences would await you then".

"You're being ridiculous; you're fever is getting to your head, so just drink the potion already and let go of my hand."

"No, besides you volunteered to be my caretaker, so make me better, my pet," he said in his charming voice.

Looking away from him, you sighed, as you felt your cheeks heat up a bit more. Deciding to get this over with, you managed to pull your hand away from him, since he was weakened by the fever and his grip was growing less in strength. Not waiting another second, you shoved the bottle to his mouth, forcing him to drink the fluorescent purple liquid. His eyes widened slightly at your action, as the potion flowed into his mouth. A look of disgust ran across his face, indicating that the potion was less than desirable with regards to the taste. Once the liquid in the bottle was all gone, you pulled the bottle away and set it back on the nightstand. Lucian coughed a little before sitting up in his bed and casting his gaze on you.

"Hmm, I wasn't expecting you to be so forceful. I would've preferred if you didn't shove the bottle on my lips. Though, in repayment let me show you something."

"And what ..."

Before you could question him on the matter, Lucian quickly grabbed your right arm with his left one and pulled you onto the bed. Setting you on his lap, he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your right shoulder.

"Lucian, let me go. You still have a fever; you'll get me sick."

"Hmm, the potion should rid me of the fever in thirty minutes and I'll be back to full health. You have nothing to worry about, my pet."

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now