Knives in the Hands of the Caterpillar

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  A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Turning the knob on one of the greyish-teal brass doors, Lucian opened the door and walked into whatever lay beyond first. When he signaled for you to follow, you did so and stayed rather close to him in case anything decided to attack at a moment's notice. Lucian never even had a chance to close the door behind the two of you, as it slammed shut and disappeared from view. In its place was a stone wall that seemed to stand ten feet tall. To say you were worried would be an understatement. This place had sealed you in and now you were left to its mercy.

Looking to the front of you, you saw a long hallway before you. The entire hallway was made of stone, as was the arched ceiling and floor. Some stones in the wall were dislodged and dust hung in the air. Patches of filth, hopefully just dirt, were scattered across the floor. An eerie green light illuminated the area, but you couldn't determine where the light source was coming from. There was nowhere to go. You could only go forward into the darkness that lay ahead. No light shined further down the hallway, casting it into many shadows that coalesced into an air of void.

Glancing up at Lucian, you looked to see what his reaction was to this. He held an expression of seriousness and his purple eyes stared dead ahead. Deciding to turn your attention back to in front of you as well, you tensed as your ears picked up a certain sound. Something was scraping against the floor. It sounded like stone on stone, but you couldn't see any figure yet. Fear penetrated your heart, as you waited in anticipation for the sound to reveal its source. If you had a choice, you would bolt back out the door, but that door was gone. There were no side paths to take and no hiding spots, leaving you quite vulnerable.

Suddenly, you felt yourself being pulled to the left. Soon you were behind Lucian, as his left hand rested on your left wrist. He didn't say anything, but continued staring ahead. The sound only came closer, making your heartbeat quicken. Peeking around Lucian, you saw a figure starting to approach, though it seemed to be on some sort of pedestal. As the figure made its appearance known, your eyes seemed to widen in horror. Before you on a pedestal stood some sort of creature that you could put no name to. Its head consisted of a combination of a donkey and pig, creating a rather disturbing image, though this held no weight when one glanced upon its eyes. Sclera raven black and irises white with no pupils present, it held a hollow and haunting gaze. Looking upon its body, it resembled a caterpillar that had been skinned. Instead of insect legs, it had six clawed hands. On its right side, the hands fell limp at its side. Concerning the left side, each hand held a silver knife horizontally.

Its eyes at first roved about in their sockets, as if searching for some unknown belonging. This seemed to continue for a few seconds before its eyes halted its movements and landed on the two of you. You froze and felt terror course through your veins. Paralyzed, you felt Lucian's grip on your wrist increase, as the creature kept its blood chilling gaze on the both of you. You wanted to turn and run far away from this place. Unexpectedly, the sanatorium started to seem pleasant. At least in that scenario you could run and have a chance at escape. Here no such chance was given or possible. What happened next startled you and you felt yourself gripping Lucian's coat slightly.

"Passing me is a simple task, but failing is even simpler. All you must do is pick the knife that has not shed blood, though to aid you in your decision I shall give a few helping hints," the thing stated in a scratchy and chilling voice.

Not turning to look at you, Lucian kept his gaze locked on the creature, replying, "Proceed."

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