Opposites against Opposites

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 

   Morning seemed to come at an alarming pace, as you woke up to find the sun shining on your face in your bedroom. Pushing the greyish-teal sheets back, you got out of bed while Lucian drifted off to sleep. There was only three hours left until the announcement would begin. Lucian merely told the council members to meet him on the balcony at the front of the castle at the given time. Of course suspicions were raised, but according to Lucian it was customary for council members to show if one member requested a meeting. Thus you would wake Lucian up in an hour, though last night you offered him to sleep first, but he insisted that your sleep was more important. Knowing that he wouldn't let you argue more on the subject, you obliged him and went to sleep before him.

Now it was morning, you began your morning routine, deciding to get a shower in the process. When you were about to change into new undergarments and a lavender dress with short lace sleeves, the bathroom door opened, causing you to jump in the process. Luckily, you still had your towel on. With your cheeks crimson red, you looked over at Lucian, ready to shout at him to get out, however you saw that he was looking the other way and merely holding out a dress towards you in his left hand. Figuring that he wanted you to take it, you did so and watched as he closed the door.

From the other side of the door, he called out, "You need something much more formal to wear for today and I thought you would like this one."

Glancing down at the v-neck floor-length dress, you wondered if it was too formal. Its coloration was of a dark purple hue while the style of the dress was similar to your Venefici Ballatio gown. The dress was made of cotton and had long flared sleeves. A black velvet bow was tied around the waist of the dress. Furthermore, the torso part of the dress was corseted and had a petite gold rose at the top of the corset while gold buttons cascaded down the middle of the corset.

"Lucian, don't you think this is a bit too extravagant?"

"Of course not, everyone will be expecting you to wear some of your best attire, though I must be off to get ready myself. I'll see you in the foyer, since Nafera will be delivering your breakfast to your room for today," he stated before exiting your room and heading off to his own.

With this in mind, you changed into your undergarments and the new dress that Lucian had given you. The dress was surprisingly comfortable and matched the black and gold boots that you had picked out as well as the black socks, though no one would see the socks now. Having put on your attire, you left the bathroom and went over to the mirror in your room where you allowed it to fix your hair into a simple but elegant braid. Just as you finished getting ready, Nafera walked in with a tray of food. This tray consisted of an omelet with a bowl of salsa on the side as well as a bowl of freshly cut melon. Moreover, orange juice in a blue crystal cup was on the tray. Thanking her, you placed the tray on the wooden table in your room and signaled for her to sit as well, if she so desired. Thus she sat down with you and you two entered conversation while you ate your breakfast.

When you finished, the two of you left your room and headed down to the foyer. Reaching the foyer, Nafera took the tray from you and left for the kitchen. Lucian wasn't there yet, so you sat on the stairs and waited for him. A few minutes passed before you heard footsteps behind you. Knowing it was Lucian; you stood up, as he stepped beside you. A black ruffled shirt covered his torso while a black coat with amethyst buttons rested on his shoulders. Black pants were over his legs and his typical black riding boots on his feet. Several silver rings with onyxes were on his fingers and a silver skull earring was in his left ear. At his side was a black bag, which contained the pieces of evidence.

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