Pages on the Swing

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    Pale grey light shone through the windows, causing Lucian's eyes to flicker open. His gaze fell on your still sleeping form, which was cuddled up next to him. Your chest rising and falling in a harmonic motion signaled the peacefulness of your resting state. Lucian smirked to himself when he saw you nuzzle your head into his chest. Carefully, he ran his fingers on his left hand through your (h/c) hair while placing soft kisses on your neck and collarbone. You shifted slightly in your sleep, but did not wake up. Wanting nothing more than to remain in this position with you, he rested his head against his crimson red pillow and stared lovingly at you.

However, this peace was soon disturbed by his bedroom door opening, revealing the blue-haired doll. She held a letter in her hands and waited for her master to take it from her. Lucian merely glared at the paper object and signaled the doll to set it on the nightstand next to him. After doing so, she left, closing the door behind her. Regretfully, he released his hold on you and sat up in his bed. Though, he made sure not to wake you up. As he reached for the letter, he felt a weight on his lap. You had rested your head in his lap, remaining peacefully asleep. A smile found its way onto Lucian's face while he opened the sealed envelope.

Pulling out the piece of parchment inside, he tossed the envelope aside and began to read the contents of the letter. His eyes narrowed as he read on. To his utter displeasure, the council had assigned him the task of tending to a complaining high-ranking mage family. However, the family was not high enough to be on the council, but just below the status of council members. Apparently, a group of galeynae, which were a combination of a troll mixed with a lizard and bat, were sneaking into the family's courtyard and eating the shrubbery. They constantly changed the time of their attacks and would only show when no one was around. If they were discovered in the act, they would run off into the nearby countryside, disappearing from sight. The family blamed the council for the destruction of their yard, since the council was responsible for monitoring the pests. Obviously, the guards assigned to watching the galeynae failed in their duties. Personally, Lucian just wanted to kill the pests, but they were immune to all physical harm and could only die by a rare disease existent only among the galeynae. Thus one couldn't spread the disease over the population, since it was impossible to attain unless a galeynae. Once the disease had taken a galeynae's life, it would vanish into thin air.

Running his fingers through his hair, Lucian sighed in frustration. Of course the council found it fitting in giving him the task of dealing with the galeynae. Throwing the letter on the ground, Lucian glanced down at you. The task would require the entire day, which meant he would need to leave soon. Gently, he placed your head onto one of the crimson red pillows. Giving you a kiss on the lips, he went off to get ready for his assigned task.

When you awoke, you found yourself alone in the room with the ivory sheets laying over you. Sitting up in the bed, you scanned the room for any signs of Lucian. Instead you found Nafera standing in the room. Before you could ask her anything, she spoke, as if knowing your question.

"My master needed to leave. He wanted me to inform you that he won't be back until later in the evening. He suggested that you begin to read the book he gave you".

"Alright thank you" you stated, your eyes wandering around the room.

With Lucian gone, you had the urge to explore his room for any secrets. Though, Nafera interrupted your thoughts of disturbing Lucian's privacy by walking up to you and signaling for you to follow her out of his room. Sighing, you nodded your head and exited the room with her. The two of you remained silent and Nafera left you after you had reached your room. You dealt with your morning routine and changed into a short sleeved lavender dress, which had an accompanying silver chain belt. Putting on a pair of simple silver slippers, you went out of your room. However, you remembered that you needed your book. At first you were confused as to where you left it, but then it occurred to you that you left it on the chair in the dining room. Now knowing the location of the text, you went towards and into the dining hall.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now