Calalannia Woods

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  Before you was a landscape of wonder and mystery as trees spread out over the emerald green ground. These trees' bark colors ranged from medium brown to pale silvery grey; however every tree had branches at the topmost part of their trunks that formed one body of rich dark green leaves up above. They reminded you slightly of mushrooms. Furthermore, bushes ranged from the darkest of greens to bright luminescent ones, which seemed to sparkle with an otherworldly glow. Flowers of dark purple with a lotus-like design sprouted from various bushes across the woods. Mist swept over the terrain, weaving around the trees and through the bushes. Beams of bright moonlight shone overhead and cast their light onto the different types of flora. The most intriguing factor however were the pillars of ocean blue light that stood tall and seemed to reach into the sky. Little flecks of greenish-yellow light swum through the pillars like flowing through an ocean current carried into the foreign territory of new waters.

Seeing such a sight, you tugged on Lucian's coat sleeve, signaling that you wanted down. This action appeared childish, but at the moment childlike curiosity was taking hold of you. You couldn't remove the wonder form your (e/c) eyes that shone with delight. Lucian shook his head lightly at your evident excitement, finding it rather amusing. Agreeing to let you down, since your exhaustion at the current moment seemed to evaporate into thin air; he placed you on the grass covered floor and watched as you traveled over to one of the pillars of light. Cautiously, you extended your index finger on your right hand and reached out to touch the strange creation. Remembering from the book you read, you knew that making contact with these beams would cause you no harm and so you gave into your inquiring mind.

The moment your finger touched the pillar of ocean blue light, you jumped in surprise due to the light wrapping around your finger and eventually your hand until it started going up your arm. Despite this startling you, you felt no fear at the movement of the watery light. It produced a rather calming effect, as well as a healing effect. While this was occurring, the little specks of greenish-yellow light illuminated your face, highlighting your eyes filled with amazement. Unbeknownst to you, Lucian walked up next to you and placed his left hand into the structure, allowing the tentacles of blue to encircle his arm as well. Looking up at him, you saw him giving you a gentle smile, which caused a light dash of pink to appear on your cheeks. Casting your gaze downwards before glancing back up in surprise, you felt Lucian's left fingers intertwining with your right ones. This simple action caused your eyes to widen slightly and your blush to darken, for you were not expecting it in the slightest.

He sent one more charming smile your way before turning his gaze upon your hands. Following his gaze, you were shocked to find the two of your hands glowing in the center of the pillar of light. Startled, you looked up at him before glancing back at your two hands. What was going on? The specks of light began to swirl around each of your hands, as if sealing the connection. Wind blew softly through your hair, blowing strands across your face in a gentle way and causing Lucian's bangs to cover his purple eyes every now and then. You wanted to question him on what was occurring, but his facial expression told you to remain quiet. With your mouth slightly open, you watched as light started to erupt from the center of the pillar, ensnaring you two in its beams. Eventually, you had to close and cover your eyes with your left arm due to the brightness of the light. You had no idea what you would see when you reopened them, but you found your heartbeat quicken with anticipation. With your eyes closed, you felt your arm being pulled away from your face.

"Open your eyes," you heard Lucian whisper into left ear.

Obliging his demand, you slowly opened your eyes and gazed upon your surroundings. The two of you were in a clearing, as trees, bushes and pillars of light surrounded the two of you. Swirls of mist ran over your feet and around your form, but what caught your gaze were the specks of greenish-yellow light that populated the air. They still ran through ocean blue pillars, but they were now dancing in the air. One flew by your face, lighting your features up with wonderment and intrigue. You felt as though you were gazing up at a sky full of stars, or rather that you were dancing among them. Holding your hands out, you watched them maneuver around your hands. Emitting a joy filled laugh like that of a child seeing the rippling effect of water when something disturbs its surface, you smiled brightly and felt completely at peace. When you cast your gaze upwards, you met Lucian's gaze. Not being able to contain your happiness at the scene around you, you smiled brightly at him. Seeing this caught Lucian off guard, for he had never actually seen such a smile on your face. It contained a pure sense of peace and joy. There were no other emotions in that smile and your eyes glowed with the two emotions as well.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now