Questioning Words

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Love, a word meaning multiple things to every individual who crosses its path. Something that plays at one's mind until they stand upon the edge of a cliff. Tattered and worn, one looks out over the cliff, seeing the vast sea of blue. Waves roll by at the bottom of the cliff, crashing in a soothing tune. Repeat, repeating the process but remaining silent. A silence unfolds while the words whisper on the sea breeze. Words not to be repeated too much, for the meaning then becomes lost. Only at the right time, the right moment in a sea of chaos and calm shall I utter a certain phrase.

It was indeed a sea of chaos that surrounded the two of you. You hadn't chosen either of those staircases, for both meant destruction. The red carpet that dripped, indicating the loss of blood and life, adding to the dull golden color and giving it a false sense of renewal. Diamonds beautiful, but when turned the other way can stab into the very flesh that protects one from falling apart completely. Only falling into the sea of uncertainty could you remain intact. Thus you went with your gut feeling, the one you had before Rezin had taken you away for a brief talk. That feeling had existed before then, you just couldn't utter it. Personally, you couldn't understand why you forgave Lucian. Maybe it was because you knew what he had been through when he was younger, how he had been betrayed by his own cousin. Moreover, maybe your silence felt like a betrayal to him. He had told you his past, heard from your very lips that he had your trust, but then you questioned him, you had allowed doubt to seep back into your mind with the source of that doubt coming from the one who killed his sister. Yes, you weren't exactly pleased by the fact that he had sent shock waves through you and terrorized you, but that could have been the cost of your silence, of your doubt. In other words the very person who he had placed the last ounce of his trust in shattered that trust to pieces, which could have had the effect of making him recall his sister's death and bring up a rage of emotions that were locked away for nearly a decade.

As you stared up at him, you saw the evident shock in his purple eyes. His lips parted slightly, as if to clarify his shock more. Pulling his hands away from you, he turned his back to you and covered his face with his right hand. You couldn't tell what was going on in his mind. In fact you could never tell; he was completely unpredictable.

Sighing, you heard him utter, "How? Before this I was sure I had your feelings, but after the incident with Rezin I thought I was proven wrong. How could you forgive me for what I just did? I nearly killed you due to my anger, so how?"

"You felt like I had betrayed you, right? Of course, I would've preferred that you didn't cause me immense pain, but I caused you to experience emotions that were probably not touched for awhile, though why didn't you tell me about the mask claim?"

"Yes, I did feel like you betrayed me. I felt like I had lost the only person I had left, which resulted in my outburst, though most would consider it more than that. Furthermore, I didn't tell you about the mask claim because I figured it unimportant. I wouldn't kill you over such a thing. I'm sorry for my previous actions. They were uncalled for and I regret that I can't take them back."

Before you could respond, he came over to you and knelt down in front of you. Muttering something inaudible, you felt a sense of relief wash over you, as the injuries began to heal, returning you to a healthy condition. After you were healed, he stood up and pulled you upwards.

Glancing down at you, he questioned, "Do you truly mean what you say? Is your confession genuine? If it isn't, I won't harm you. If everything you just said was a lie to calm me down, I won't lose my temper. You still rejected Rezin's offer and are now standing beside me. I know that your care for me may be a lie, but your trust in me isn't".

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